Goldman’s Blankfein Says US Should Prepare for Recession

Goldman’s Blankfein Says US Should Prepare for Recession

Do you think we're headed towards recession.
We're certainly heading. It's certainly a very very high risk Factor. And there's. But you know there's a path. It's a narrow
path. But I think the Fed has very powerful tools. It's hard to finely
tuned them and it's hard to see the effects of them quickly Enough to alter it.
But I think they are. I think they're responding well. I think it's it's you know it's definitely a risk. If I were
running a big company I would be very prepared for it. If I was A consumer I'd be prepared for it.
But it's not baked in the cake. For more analysis that's Bringing across assets Asia editor and wrap up we've got the
chief North Asia correspondent Stephen Engle ISE. I'll start off With you. What's the outlook looking like given the recent
routes across both stocks and bonds. Do we see sustained Prospects for recovery.
Hi. Hi. Look I think what we can say is that we definitely are Expecting more volatility ahead. The market is not convinced
despite the shops sell offs that we've seen it's not convinced There was quite a reached that bottom. And for that reason we
are seeing investors starting to look at bonds again after those Prices fell and yields went sharply high. So we're seeing we're
seeing investors inflows into bonds because they're starting to Be perceived as perhaps a hedge against these slow down against
a recession. It's not that investors are expecting that yields Have peaked but it is that bonds have got a role to play now.
And as a hedge as the Fed is embarking on these very aggressive Tightening and he's engineering a slow down and a potential