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Wayne Brady Shares Improv Skills For Life | Fast Company

Wayne Brady Shares Improv Skills For Life | Fast Company

– Y'know, you fake it til you make it. And that's a rule on stage and it's a rule in life. (hypnotic electronic music) When you're improvising And you're working together to make up a story, To explain a thing,…

How Elon Musk Did Everything Wrong at Twitter | Fast Company

How Elon Musk Did Everything Wrong at Twitter | Fast Company

– Elon Musk is one of the wealthiest, Most successful men on earth. But, what the most recent Twitter saga teaches us Is that he doesn't have This workplace leadership thing figured out. People think that Musk is successful Because…

Why Reddit's COO leads with empathy | Fast Company

Why Reddit’s COO leads with empathy | Fast Company

– Female, come from an immigrant family, Asian, I'm gay. I have a lot of, I think sensitivity toward Just a lot of diverse perspectives. I'm Jen Wong. I'm the COO of Reddit and I lead our business growth. I'd…

Half of all entrepreneurs struggle with this | Fast Company

Half of all entrepreneurs struggle with this | Fast Company

(gentle music) – According to a study by Michael Freeman, Entrepreneurs are 50% more likely To report having a mental health condition. Founders are also twice more likely To suffer from depression, Three times more likely to suffer from substance…

The Daily Grind Magazine Spring 2023 Issue
Spring Issue Available March 21st, 2023!

The Daily Grind Magazine

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