You Can 100% Be a Crypto Millionaire (Watch This Video)

You Can 100% Be a Crypto Millionaire (Watch This Video)

I wouldn't be surprised if Bitcoin did Something like this every crypto Millionaire knows this one little trick I do think that we can retest the All-time highs sometime over the course Of this summer we're in a bull market For crypto I see no reason why that Should change Bitcoin is ranging and While crypto Twitter is calling for the Devs to step in global asset management Firm Bernstein is calling for a 200k Bitcoin price by 2025 and a $1 million Bitcoin price by 2033 these price Targets have increased while they were Calling for a $150,000 bitcoin price by 2025 now it is 200k and now it is half a million by the End of 2029 and 1 million by 2033 by the Way this is Bernstein's business they're In the business of making good financial Investments for their clients ultra high Net worth individuals investors come to Bernstein they say where do I put my Money Bernstein tells them and now now They're telling clients Bitcoin could Hit $1 million by 2033 and hit a cycle High of $200,000 by 2025 of course they Have a whole thesis in their report this Forecast is based on the anticipated Surge in demand for Bitcoin particularly Demand from the spot Bitcoin ETFs Managed by industry giants like Black Rock and Fidelity so Bitcoin is ranging But those who study what's happening

Behind the scenes understand that much Higher prices are likely to come in the Future managing director at grayscale Zack pandle explains why Bitcoin is Going much higher this year and next Year listen the three big trends are First a Federal Reserve that is Interested in lowering interest rates Because inflation is coming down second Steady demand for the spot Bitcoin ETF Uh products and third is more favorable Political trends for the asset class That you know may include uh additional Regulatory approvals over the course of This year I think all three of those Things are driving the asset class Forward I don't see any major change in Those Trends today so I do think that we Can retest the all-time highs sometime Over the course of this summer how fast We get there is going to depend on some Of the some of the specifics but we're In a bull market for crypto I see no Reason why that should change for the For the short term and you know testing And taking out the all-time highs Relatively soon is is possible and Really the data is showing that Bitcoin Is in heavy accumulation mode Wales bought 1.3 billion of Bitcoin and You're bearish seriously look at this Chart this chart shows inflows to Accumulation addresses inflows to Addresses that have a history of not

Selling a whole lot of Bitcoin just Really Bitcoin flowing in not a lot of Bitcoin flowing out and you can see that This the heavy buying really started Around 2021 and has really increased Just the last couple months this is a Huge metric this time is different Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong at Coinbase's state of crypto Summit talks About this year is different from any Other year in crypto that they have ever Seen we're here at the state of crypto Summit the second one that coinbase has Hosted and the the vibe is it's it's Good here I mean 56% of the Fortune 500 Are now doing something onchain when we Go and Survey Executives from those Companies so the biggest companies in The world whether it's you know Black Rock tokenizing real world assets JP Morgan is doing things on chain with Onyx um Google cloud is accepting crypto Payments you know fex like stripe and PayPal are doing things with stable Coins so I think crypto is here to stay And the biggest companies in the world Are all integrating it so why is this Time different because Wall Street is Here make no mistake about it Wall Street is here crypto is mainstream now They are increasingly getting in and It's just started bitwise CIO Matt Hogan Explains exactly this I think they're Increasingly engaged this is the era

Where crypto goes mainstream you can see That in the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs you can see that in firms like Black Rock entering the space people Like the state of Wisconsin allocating $100 million to bitcoin ETFs so it's Warming they're not all the way there They're still finishing their due Diligence I think we'll see an Acceleration of ETF flows in the second Half of the year as they complete that But you can see by the crowd here I mean The room is packed people are standing In the back so there is huge interest From Wall Street so I wouldn't be Surprised if Bitcoin did something like This so this is last Summer's Consolidation and breakout visualized This summer obviously not saying it's Going to repeat exactly like this but Serves as a reminder of what's possible And patience that might be needed you Don't deserve Bitcoin like this if you Can't handle Bitcoin like this either Way we are at a Launchpad pivot point Every other time the Bitcoin has broken Above all-time highs like this it really Rallied it really rallied and this is What we're waiting for right now we're Having the retest right now let's see The rally no it's not just Bitcoin Anymore obviously and it's pretty Exciting that we're in a crypto cycle Where bitcoin's blowing up ethereum's

Blowing up other coins are blowing up I Mean just let's take ethereum for Example Gary Gensler made a statement Just the other day he said that he Believes the ethereum ETFs will be fully Approved and ready for launch likely in The summer I mean technically he said by September but probably before new Information today just in the spot Ethereum ETFs are now expected to start Trading July 2nd the Bloomberg analysts Are saying this and you know this is What Eric balunis had to say update we Are moving up our over under date for The launch of the spot ether ETF 2 July 2nd hearing the staff sent issuers Comments on s1's today they're pretty Light nothing major asking for them back In a week decent chance they work to Declare them effective the next week and Get it off their plates before holiday Weekend anything's possible but this is Our best guest now very exciting let's See what Brian Armstrong the coinbase CEO has to say on ethereum this cycle Including ethereum ETFs this cycle I was Going to ask you about base and the Ability to scale ethereum let's get your Take on that but also ethereum ETFs what Kind of demand you're hearing if and When those get approved officially yeah Well Bas is a an ethereum layer to like You said which is you know it's helping Blockchain scale so the original that

Came out they were a computer science Breakthrough but they were a little bit Slow a little bit expensive uh layer 2 Has changed that there's a real scaling Story now and it's kind of like when the Internet went from dialup to broadband Um now the ethereum getting approved as An ETF is another important step we've Started to see really massive inflows What's amazing is that you know Kathy Wood was saying this on stage earlier Even with the great inflows we've seen Today the major sources uh that could be There in the future haven't even turned On yet you know Morgan Stanley and UBS Uh the ETF those crypto ETFs haven't Been in integrated yet so I think the Future is bright on that Dimension and You know Bitcoin miners are only you Know putting out a small amount of Supply and so the demand is exceeding Supply not to mention the fact that the Products being created around ethereum And all crypto for that matter this Cycle really on the next level I mean For instance now you can stake your Ethereum natively in metamask even if You don't have 32 eth any amount of eth This chart right here really is eye Openening for ethereum so it's nonzero Wallet addresses combined with the Ethereum price chart now obviously Nonzero wallet addresses are always Going to uptick right unless there's

Serious problems for any enough length Of time this should pretty much always Be going up and to the right however Sometimes it goes a lot up and to the Right farther sometimes it's you know Lesser and the way it stands right now This metric is making ethereum look Really good eth price has aggressively Shot through the trend line in nonzero Wallets in the first two cycles you can See e price goes above here e price goes Above here now this is this cycle the Trend line in wallets points to the fair Value of ethereum in one year being 6K If the price overshoots again by 2x like It often does this puts eth at 12K Around the peak of this cycle and then Of course with Bitcoin and ethereum Thriving Salon thriving chain link so Many other projects money is going to Flow downhill right we're going to get That wealth effect this always happens After Bitcoin breaks alltime highs People feel like oh I can only get a What 2 3x in Bitcoin a 3 4X in ethereum I need to look to some of these larger Caps or even smaller caps and every Crypto millionaire knows this one little Trick we'll be speaking at Bitcoin Nashville this year in July use code Altcoin daily for 10% off tickets linked Below my name is Aaron this is altcoin Daily it's turning into a great year I'm So bullish on 2024 and 2025 stay

Subscribed any of our videos over the Last 6 months still great videos for you To watch get a lot of current Alpha I Mean seriously if you're looking for top Altcoin so many different questions you Might be having you know any videos from The past 6 months are still really good And we've got a great interview with Charles hoskinson dropping soon so many Things yet to come stay subscribed see You tomorrow