XRP Case ENDS This Month! (Parabolic Rally Imminent)

XRP Case ENDS This Month! (Parabolic Rally Imminent)

Xrp could potentially win its lawsuit Against the US government this very Month and what will that do to xrp's Price could we potentially see a $10 xrp Yeah that is right folks we have some Pretty wild price predictions here Because we are nearing the end of the Lawsuit you can see the SEC versus Ripple lawsuit is nearing its end with The verdict expected this month folks The key issue now is going to be the Financial penalty for ripple with the Secc meaning the US government is Seeking billions of dollars for the fine And ripple Labs AKA xrp arguing for a Much smaller fine and ripple recently Rejected the reduced penalty offer from The SEC potentially impacting the final Verdict and xrp's price so if we end up Getting a multi-billion dollar Settlement that's going to hurt xrp's Price but if it comes down in the low Millions xrp could Giga pump to maybe Even previous all-time highs let's look Into this analyst as he's saying you Know it could potentially end this month His attorney Fred rasoli that is making This prediction and he's saying it could Conclude by July 31st or maybe even Earlier on July 13th Ripple recently Leveraged binance recent court Victory To challenge sec's stance on xrp sales If you missed that one sec sued binance As well and the Court ruled that BNB

Sales were not Securities and ripple Lawyers are saying hey this applies to Xrp just like it applied to BNB so you Ruled in their favor and now you need to Rule in our favor and a lot of legal Experts are saying that is looking very Very likely Paving the way for just a Parabolic XR RP run everybody and so the Court criticizing the sec's inconsistent Regulatory approach and they're urging Clearer guidelines now xrp Advocate you Know he's saying it could potentially End this month and if it ends on July 13th that would be a poetic twist why July 13th was when we got the previous Pump where xrp basically doubled Overnight and at the time a lot of People were even upset that xrp was Pumping you can see you know this sent That price up over 100% while the Naysayers they watching from the Sidelines they're throwing the Rotten Tomatoes they were saying no xrp Shouldn't be pumping we need to drag That thing down well the whale activity Is suggesting a major move is on the Cards for xrp we have 70 million xrp Moved in 24 hours and so the whale Activity typically precedes a major Major price move now if we're looking at The price right now xrp you know 46 Cents 46 A5 cents go to the max chart it Doesn't look all that good as I scroll Up here uh you know we go to the

Three-month chart you know we kind of Been heading down and right now the Market cap is sitting firmly right Around $25 billion but if we look at all Time oh I mean xrp at one point had $125 billion market cap so you know Sitting at 25 still room to go to the Upside now what is going to happen let's Just say for the next week and for the Next month three things to watch we are In the middle of a flat Trend the flat Trend is continuing and we've been Holding steady on this lower level now If I stretch out we're looking at this Yellow line on the bottom this trend Line dates all the way back to the March Covid crash of March 2020 and so if Without that crash this trend line could Potentially go all the way back to May 17th but we're in this trend line we Have been holding pretty firm and if we Go to the daily chart folks can't help But notice some bullish Divergence this Is a bullish metric that we're seeing That typically will move the price to The upside last time we had a bullish Divergence on the daily chart you can See RSI moving up as the price was Heading down we got a really good pump Let's just measure that 50% pump in 40 Days so a little over a month you Basically you know you're up over 50% Now if we were to measure that and if Were to happen again we catch it from

The low a nice 50% pump that's giving us A 7069 cent xrp really really good price And so in the charts this flat Trend Flat Trend seems like it's still holding Support like I said going all the way Back to 2020 strong strong support for Xrp number two we got a key resistance Level the key resistance level is at 54 C if we go into the charts you can see You know probably just mostly looking at This trend line right here you can see Kind of catching the tops and right There you know if I were to hit the top Of the range we right there at 54 cents Uh you know we're running out of time When it comes to xrp but there's a more Important trend line and that's the one That's going back years if I go to the Weekly chart here shrink the RSI see we Have been stuck in a trend line going All the way back to 2018 Now people have said we will never never Cross this trend line and folks they Have been right we've only Wicked above It on the weekly and we've only closed One daily candle so we haven't really Got any confirmation ever you can see we Closed that one daily candle March you Know when Bitcoin was pumping Clos one Daily and then after that you know it Was basically to the downside and we've Been kind of trading in the range well This is a multi-year trend line on the

Top side a multi-year trend line on the Bottom side and they're running out of Space folks we're running out of room And xrp it has to make a move it has to Choose I'm either going up I'm either Going down cuz we're running out of Sideways action we are at a make or Break point within the next two months Xrp must choose the direction by August And I got another metric that seems to Imply we are definitely moving to the Upside now we go back to the three Things to watch for the third thing is The bullish cross on the daily this is On the daily macd and if you don't know What macd is it is the moving average Convergence Divergence that is macd it's A technical indicator so you can Identify a price trend and the macd is Going bullish so uh to explain why xrp Is holding better than the other Altcoins right now you know Bitcoin got A little bit of a correction xrp in a Strange point where it's pumping Relative to bitcoin I know a lot of People just aren't used to that it's Just been bleeding against Bitcoin but Now maybe we have reversed Trends we go Back here let's stretch out the macd you Can see the Blue Line crossing over the Orange now we've done this in the past Uh if you look right here that that got A nice little price rally after that Macd cross we ended up pumping good 50%

Right there and we had a macd cross Right here as well and this was in October 23 that pump ended up being a Little bit better we got about a 57% so You know we're looking at this point Where it looks like we are about to Finally after years and years and years Turn this blue line into support if this Blue line does turn into support that's Just finally spelling a bullish scenario For xrp like I said said they've been Fighting this trend line for years and Years and years now the last thing I Wanted to say if we do get some positive News out of this case if Ripple ends up Getting you know a really really low Settlement we are in a great position For xrp this is something that no one Has noticed last time we got that great News xrp doubled overnight it literally You know 47 cents to 94 cents it was a Huge huge pump out of nowhere but it Rejected as we got close to the blue Line now the question is what happens if We get positive momentum or positive News all the whales start coming back in Xrp starts moving to the upside and the Blue line is acting as support not Resistance to me that is uh you know Creating a potential 2x could then be a 3X maybe even a 4X over a long enough Time frame so if we are above the blue Line and we get a god candle and we get This Giga green candle but we're you

Know relative here to the Blue Line Upside is just going to be tremendous Folks so that is what I want to say About xrp I've never been more bullish On xrp since maybe 2021 after we crashed Too hard so you know I bought xrp then Ended up being a good buy you can see You know we overcorrected when Bitcoin Pumped and then we over pumped uh when Bitcoin had its nice rally into April so We could be spelling out a potential Scenario like this again if you want to See xrp basically pull a 10x out of its Hat you know hit that like button Because I have a prediction that just is Really looking great folks xrp BTC we Also see bullish Divergence you know you Can see the price heading down relative To bitcoin as the relative strength Index is moving up we've rejected off This 2,000 Satoshi level but it looks Like we might you know buck up against This blue line with around 2500 Satoshi We end up getting 2500 Satoshi folks Well I did some math and it's looking Pretty good if we end up hitting 2500 Satoshi with the $140,000 Bitcoin which is about where I Expect Bitcoin to go and so multiply This we're going to find out the Satoshi Level we add one more zero we add a 25 That gives us a $350 xrp and what do you know that is Actually where we topped out in the past

So if I was to give the bullish case Scenario or xrp I think xrp could Potentially hit $3.50 this bull run I Don't think that's likely that is my Most maximum bullish case scenario I'm Actually thinking you know we can uh Maybe get a 3X with the blue line as Support uh roughly put us around 50 55 Cents so you know my Target's a little Bit closer to $150 xrp which would also Be uh you know really really close to Its previous all-time high 2021 and Would actually get us really close to The November high of 2021 so that's kind Of what I'm expecting I think we match The H2 Heights that's our xrp price Prediction probably going to hit around $150 could potentially go back to $3.50 $588 though I don't know if I'll See that but hopefully I'll see you at The top