Trump’s Truth Social platform soars in first day of public trading

Trump's Truth Social platform soars in first day of public trading

And Trump's social media company had its First day of trading on the NASDAQ Tuesday the Trump media and Technology Group stock kicked off the day at more Than $70 per share but then dropped to Less than $60 by the close the company Is now valued at nearly 8 billion so Earlier on stream I asked CBS News Campaign reporter Jake Rosen if any of This money could be used to pay Trump's Legal bills he certainly could it would Take a little bit of time so there's a Lockup clause in the company that Donald Trump would have to wait about 6 months To or any shareholder would have to wait About 6 months to sell their stock but Donald Trump's board on this company is Our favorable people his son and some Former cabinet administr Administration Officials so basically what Donald Trump Could do if the stock of if the value of The stock stays high enough for long Enough is slowly dump off the stock but He would have to be very careful to not Do it too fast so that basically he can Keep the value high and sell and bring In this big basically asset that's Waiting for him to use potentially down The line as we get closer to to the Campaign okay so there has to be some Strategy there if he were elected President again could there be a Conflict of interest here yeah there Definitely could be we kind of saw this

With the Trump Hotel in Washington DC Where foreign companies were staying There and providing his company business Even if he was not in charge of the Company at the time this is just one More venue for a foreign actor or Potentially domestic actor to you know Invest in Trump's brand and this true Social product that really has not been Super profitable so far far