The Reddit moderator strike

The Reddit moderator strike

A bunch of mods went on strike because They didn't agree with your decisions And we're still in the middle of that Right now so the what's the update on That we're on the back half of the Middle of that a lot of people are Pissed about the API changes it's kind Of evolved into being mad at me or how We're handling it there's layers to this Thing and there always has been in the History of Reddit right like they are The most anti-establishment group of People they kind of self-select for that So they love you know if you make a Mistake they love telling you about it It's funny Um just because we created Reddit to be This anti-establishment place and now I'm the establishment I guess so super Accessible like you get in there and you Talked honestly with them like here's my Thinking so I think to a certain extent They should at least have that that this Isn't like Zuckerberg who's like I'm not Gonna even talk to you about this you Use Instagram you like it you don't I Don't care