The Greatest Chainlink Explanation of ALL TIME (in Under 13 Minutes)!

The Greatest Chainlink Explanation of ALL TIME (in Under 13 Minutes)!

This is really what chain link is doing It's creating this set of standards that Are going to be Universal across Capital Markets trafi web 3 web 2 all of these Places and if you think about it this is Actually how the internet works this is The greatest chain link explanation of All time so this platform is really Culminating into a a kind of state of Readiness that's very attractive to Capital markets and trafi which is why So many of the top players the top Banks The top asset managers the top csds the Top Market infrastructures the top Messaging systems are all actively in Conversations with us and are moving Forward in their work together with us And that is really what everything's Being built towards if you have a family Member that doesn't quite understand Crypto send this to him or her they will Thank you I think it's important for Chain link as a protocol as a system as A community to stay ahead of what's next And to power what's next to help Define It and shape it into the right version Of how this industry Works in a secure Way And so that's what's happened with Define that's what's happened with gamey That's what's happening now with a lot Of capital markets use of blockchain Technology which actually just to be Clear we've been working with banks

Asset managers Financial market Infrastructures for many many years well Over four five years in many cases now I Think it's just accelerating because They're in the position to accelerate And we are now um meeting their demand What real world assets actually depend On is data they depend on things like Proof of reserves to prove the status of The asset they depend on identity data To be provided so they can comply with AML kyc and travel rule restrictions They depend on price for various Settlement data to Market to Market and Allow the value of the asset to be Recorded on a daily basis which is a Requirement in many cases for the asset To be held or Owned so chain link has historically Provided over I think 10 billion data Points processed Over N trillion in Transaction value through the provision Of things like this data so chain link Can firstly generate the data all types Of data not just price data some some Things just do price data some other Things just do identity data some other Things just do proof of reserves so Right there chain link is the only thing Where you can get all three in a highly Reliable secure system that has the Longest security track record with the Most value transacted and secured which By the way is very important for banks

And asset managers so now you've created This real world asset this golden record Now you want this real world asset Golden record to have liquidity to have Access to other systems to have access To counterparties basically the market This is where cross-chain connectivity Is very important because if you just Make this golden record on your system Your chain you're not allowing others to Access it which is a very serious issue Because your Market remains your chain The people in your ecosystem which is Not why you made a blockchain You made a Blockchain as capital markets Participant or as a defi protocol to Gain access to a large Market ideally Global Market ideally the entire Global Market in a way that they can transact With you without knowing who you are Depending on your security or depending On your brand now it has to move so Chain is the only one that can both help You generate This Record maintain it Securely reliably and allow it to move And connect it to all the counterparty Participants that will buy it if you Don't get connected to those Participants well then you don't have Liquidity you don't have a big market And the reason for you to make a real World asset is lower and the value of The golden record is lower the link System isn't just focused on moving an

Asset in a way that won't work for 90% Of the banks and asset managers we're Focused on creating a system that can Comply with all their requirements and We're focused on making a system that Can be secure and we're focused on Making a system that can allow all of The banks and asset managers to use the System and therefore get their value Into the blockchain world so now you've Created the golden record as a bank or An asset manager you you've moved the Asset AC cross chains both public and Private and then the asset ends up Somewhere else it ends up on a different Chain somewhere now the very big Challenge is how do you keep the asset Updated with that same proof of Reserve Data identity data price data and Because chain link is the only platform On which you can originate the asset in A data driven way and where you can also Move the asset it is then therefore the Only platform where you can continue to Keep the asset updated in a reliable way This is really what I think we'll see in The coming year and in the years after Is chain link helping to generate high Quality rwa high quality tokenized Whatever type of asset from the existing System and advanced more attractive Assets from web 3 world doing that under A set of standards that allow them to be Used and transacted in both web3 world

And Bank World creating the transactional and Movement mechanisms to allow that value And those records to flow and then as That value and Records flow across many Different chains allowing them to retain That golden record Property and then that golden record Properly being retained over time allows The asset to remain valuable over time Because it's providing the fundamental Value of blockchains and smart contracts I think ccip isn't really fully Understood yet by many People and the the powerful features That are there this this I've noticed This sometimes happens when you have Very security oriented features Or features that take into account a Problem that isn't fully understood yet One of the key defining features of Ccip is that it has the risk management Network so not only did we build ccip in A way where it's made up of multiple Separate networks whereas other bridges Are often only one or two nodes Sometimes run by the same entity or the Same private key which really is not Secure which is why there are so many Horrible Bridge hacks some other Bridges Like generate a single Network in they Pump everything through that which at This moment doesn't seem particularly Scalable and it has various other

Limitations where you're comingling Things and doing all kinds of weird Things that people might not Want chain link allows you to generate Distinct individual um lanes and bridges For distinct individual connect chain Connections and it allows you to do that Actually with multiple networks powering Each of those lanes and bridges and this Is because chain link as a platform is Not about just making a single Network It's about a way to make thousands Hundreds of thousands eventually Millions of networks so what the chain Link network does is it creates Decentralized Microservices the chain lck network has Now gotten so good at generating these Decentralized microservices in the Thousands is that you can now generate a Decentralized microservice made up of Multiple networks and ccip is the first Thing from the chain link Network that Is decentralized microservice as Individual bridge that is made up of Multiple networks not just even one Network for one Bridge multiple networks one of the very Unique properties of doing it with these Separate networks is we can make a Distinct Network responsible for risk Management now why does risk management Matter when you're talking about the Movement of value the various risks of

Transactions that move value and Information across various systems Well risk management is actually the Name of the game for moving value moving Valuable sensitive Information this is how every system That moves valuable and sensitive Information is made to be successful Systems that move valuable sensitive Information don't just send all the Information to places they don't Understand and PES that they can't Verify the security of they they Can't understand what the consequences Will be There is actually no other similar System that I can tell that I have seen From Bridges to manage this risk all Other Bridges just say oh let's just Send this highly sensitive highly Important information or value over here Even though the security of that thing Could be broken or doesn't relate to our Beliefs about security or reliability or Whatever other property of the system we Want and so this is where all the Attacks actually come from is that you Don't have something that says wow Sending that over there is a massive Security risk there a massive Reliability risk there a massive other Type of risk the better model is the one That that ccip has which is where you Have what's known as a thin pipe an

Efficient system for transactional Throughput so I think what ccip does is Not only does it create this extremely High level of Security which people don't understand Because security is a kind of an Esoteric thing but to everyone that we Show the level of security that ccip Provides they all agree that is the Highest level of security they've seen In any cross chain system that's Consistently been what we've seen But Even after the security you have all of These other properties of what would Allow a cross-chain transaction to Happen securely and reliably and in a Way where Banks and asset managers and The rest of the world could use them and This is where you see us working with Large Global Financial market Infrastructures like Swift large csds Large Banks large asset Managers I mean cci's goal is not just To create what I would call a kind of Dumb bridge that doesn't really verify Anything doesn't really create much Security places keys in one or one Person's hands or one laptop's Hands its goal is to create real Security so it can process trillions of Dollars in Throughput and to create this kind of Flexibility to adapt to the changing Landscape of legal security reliability

And other requirements which the Counterparties have and what you want is You want all of those counterparties on One cross-chain system so that everybody Can transact with them efficiently And I think ccip is very far ahead in Creating that type of network and to Leading the world towards a single Global Internet of contracts so I think Right now ccip is is still pretty Misunderstood both on how the real Security it provides the risk management It provides and also um various other Efficiencies that it has that other Bridges don't have I think what we'll See is that the adoption of ccip by Large institutions large infrastructures Large defi protocols will show the value Of those features I think that the Leadership status of chain link is based On its security and its ability to Resist various Attacks from adversaries that are able To manipulate various other systems I Think you've seen a consistent set of Outages with various other data Oracles I think you've seen various Situations which basically lead to an Understanding of a lack of security in Their system and I think a lot of these Failures in other oracles are recurring I don't think it's easy to create real Security for dentalized data or Validated data and I don't really see

Protocols that have been able to do it At the scale speed or quality of chain Link at this point while maintaining the Security guarantees that chain link Generates so I think as long as chain Link is the most secure and reliable Resource for Data it will continue to be very widely Used Because the data has a very important Role to play in these DVI applications And allowing them to settle and function Properly but uh I think we've gotten to A place that's uh increasingly better Than than other other competitors and Other folks from a security and other Points of view and then there is also Functions where developers can come and Actually self-configure any API which goes towards chain link Becoming Increasingly efficient in how it Services developers in a quick way I Think that chain Link's reliability and Security track record is second to none That's definitely the case because Centralized Oracle networks were Basically pioneered and originated by The chain link Ecosystem and I think what we're going To continue to see is the the security Model of Oracle networks working the Security of chain link being valued and As long as the quality of the data and

The other properties keep up with with That best in-class security property Then I don't really think it's going to Be wise for protocols or smart contracts To take any kind of risks on a lower Security Data resource because that lower Security data resource could be a very Serious problem for them so that's the The same Dynamic that's gotten us here Will will probably be the same Dynamic That gets us to go very far ahead