More companies are posting fake job listings. Here’s how to spot them.

More companies are posting fake job listings. Here's how to spot them.

Well the US Labor Market is looking Strong at the moment thanks to low Unemployment and a high number of job Openings but that hasn't actually made It easier necessarily for some job Seekers to find work part of the reason That jobs are hard to come by is that a Good chunk of postings aren't real as Many as four in 10 companies say they Have posted a job listing this year that Simply doesn't exist while three in 10 Say that they are currently advertising For a role that isn't real now that's According to a May survey of over 600 Hiring managers from the career site Resume Builder Tim parody joins us now He is the future of work correspondent For Business Insider Tim I was so Astonished to hear these statistics why In the world are companies creating fake Job Postings well the simple reason is they Want to try to get more resumés in the Door so they're curious about um what They might find if they tell people They've got a job even if it's not there So why what let's let's actually back up For a second Let's help people who are Searching for a job because I can only Imagine how frustrating it is to apply For a job only to find out that it's a Fishing Expedition do you have any Telltale signs that a job posting is Fake so there are a few things one is

The age of the post if it's too old That's usually a red flag that it may Not still be current uh and there are Some other things if the job isn't Listed on the company website or if it Otherwise seems suspicious it's may be Good to to think twice about whether It's a real posting so if companies are Actually benefiting from these listings Is there any way that job Seekers can Also benefit from what seems like a Really sneaky Practice well it's surprising right but Um I think what's interesting is that a Lot of times at least this survey showed That people who do apply to fake jobs Actually still may get a call back Something like 85% of of the resumés that were Contacted ended up being uh Landing in An interview so there is hope and I Think it was overall about four and 10 Uh of these fake jobs resulting in Somebody getting contacted so it's not Necessarily a dead end so Tim is there Anything to stop companies from posting These fake job Listings I suppose maybe the the PowerUp Job Seekers saying you know they don't Appreciate it or or um you know Employees saying are we posting jobs That aren't real companies sometimes Will do this because they want to try to Drive productivity or make employees

Think that uh if they're overworked that More help is on the way but um it really Starts with uh the employees I suppose And the HR departments well I'm really Glad that we are able to at least give Our viewers this additional information So that they're armed with some Understanding Tim parody thank You thank you