And I was previously a production Supervisor at Tesla and I was recently Laid off on April 15th uh Monday welcome back to real estate Mindset today's video is going to be Absolutely Bonkers now the data is in And teslaa is laying off people like Crazy which is extremely devastating in Small Metro areas like Austin Texas Tesla is the number one employer in Austin and being that they're laying off Thousands of people that's really not Good for the housing market and we're Going to listen today to a video from Someone that was recently laid off now Here's the warning you guys and here's What I really want you to understand When you work for these big companies When they stop making money we're dead Meat when they're making money they get To act like they're our family but Nevertheless you guys you must remember When it comes to your career you have to Look after yourself it is so important Because they won't do that for you and So the video that we're about to listen To is this man pouring himself out he's Saying you know I started Tesla I took Pay cuts because I wanted to move my way Up I wanted to prove myself and he put The company before himself and now he's Paying a terrible cost and is forced to Sell his house now before I begin we're Going to go into a couple articles and

Then we're going to break down this Video which is absolutely heartbreaking And should be a warning sign to anyone Right now that doesn't believe there's Bad things happening in the economy now First of all here's what's going on with Tesla Tesla cutting around 2700 jobs in Austin and more than 3,300 jobs in California as part of a broad Restructuring the thing is is Austin is So much smaller than California the fact That 2700 people are being laid off in Austin is going to devastate the housing Market in fact it already is and he this Man that we're going to listen to is Acknowledging I am forced now to sell my House because I have lost my job that's Happening right now now three bullet Points here again 2688 jobs in Austin 3332 jobs in California the reason why They're doing these steep job Cuts is Because they're not making enough money Because we're in quantitative tightening But what they're saying is is because They announced a Restructuring plan and this is what they Say as we prepare the company for our Next phase of growth it is extremely Important to look at every aspect of the Company for cost reductions and Increasing productivity and another Thing that we're going to learn from the Video we're about to watch is how dirty You guys how dirty the layoff actually

Was this man worked there for five years And got kicked to the curb talk about Heartbreaking now the crazy thing guys Is Texas officially opened its Texas EV And Battery Factory in April of 2022 so Only two years later you guys only 2 Years later they're having to do massive Layoffs now for a second here think if You're from California and you moved to Austin or you're some in some type of Work from home situation all of those Dreams all of your plans are now over It's now ruined and if you spent money And bought assets as if you were going To make that amount of money for the Rest of your life and have career Advancements then you just shot yourself In the foot and that's why I keep Telling people right now is when we need To be saving in the front end of a Recession not spending more money we Need to be saving working on our Purchasing power understanding that when We go into recession it will be harder To purchase it will be harder to find a Job that's why I'm saying you got to Worry about you Tesla and Elon Musk will Not they got to worry about themselves You guys I mean this is crazy you guys And it's it's just all over the place Tesla's supercharger layoffs couldn't Come at a worse time all of those Charging stations that were supposed to Be around the nation that whole

Department has been laid off the timing Couldn't have been worse Tesla was on The verge of making its vehicle charging Plug the defecto standard in North America and it's competitors and Stakeholders are counting on a smooth Ride but there's a butt here mus claims The leaner team will focus Less on Deploying new supercharging locations And instead focus on 100% up time how That will translate into reality is Unclear with laid off employees telling Inside EVS that reduced Manpower will Affect their ability to respond to Outages so not only are the employees Going to get hit but if you're a Customer of Tesla and you had dreams That you would have a charge on every Single block and you made all these Plans and you're purchasing for those Reasons understand doesn't matter Because that's a four profit company and The fact that we've been in quantitative Tightening for so long again they're Starting to learn well wait a minute Maybe the government's not going to just Print money maybe they're not going to Just lower interest rates back to one Two% maybe those low rates actually hurt People right it hurt me the low rates The free money the stimulus is killing Us guys how how how can free money how Do those free money kill us look at the Inflation the inflation is it's so bad

It's so sad and it's especially sad Because it makes the rich richer and it Makes everyone that's not like Ultra Rich poor The rich of the rich are winning the Poor people were losing it really sucks So again be careful how you're working And be careful on the faith you're Putting in to your employer all right Now if you still don't want to listen to Me please we're going to go into a video Now we're going to listen to someone That was recently laid off from Tesla And he's going to explain basically he's Forced to sell his house and he's also Going to explain how he was treated During the layoff process I checked my Emails while on autopilot um so the Email read unfortunately as a result Your position has been eliminated by This Restructuring um so immediately after That I was like is this like real okay Real quick guys he's talking about how He got laid off he got laid off via Email on his way to work so he didn't Even get a phone call he got an email on His way to work listen up and then I Said text my manager and I was like hey Um I was like uh what what is this and Then uh he text me back uh everyone got It uh we'll get more info later and that Was at 5:05 a.m. so I was kind of like Uh I was kind of like in the dark of

Like hey what's what's really going on And by the time I parked um so 550 a.m. Tried to badge in and the security guard Took my badge and told me I was laid off So by 550 I was like in my car uh usually I Get all my stuff ready of like Uh you know my backpack my water bottle Um make sure my laptop's in there it's Charged and all that you know your Pregame stuff right like when you play For a you know any type of sport you Make sure all your stuff is together Right but I was like this kind of fishy Let me let me try to bash in real quick And see if this thing work like CU you Never know if this thing real or just Weird scam so um yeah I try to badge in And then this big 6 foot three he was Like 300 lb big super big guy guy and uh You know like look like a bouncer and Then he was like hey uh let me see your Badge and then he was like oh yeah uh Yeah you're part of the layoffs man Sorry and I was Like I was like Okay and then like I just I just turned Around and then I had to walk out and Then um it really like hit me when it Was in my car cuz I sat in disbelief Like this is real and then as time went On like a few more minutes it was like Hitting me really hard um and then I got Out of my car and just left and right

And I was just Like damn this is like I spent five Years here like this is a this was a Long time so this man spent five years At Tesla became a supervisor and he was Laid off via email and then when he Calls the supervisor they can't even Give him answers when he goes to work He's essentially escorted off the Property by some giant bouncer looking Dude I mean this man and he's going to Tell you here we're going to listen to More of this poured his heart ped his Soul into this company and the moment That they stopped making money you guys They kicked him to the curb as if he was A liability I want you to remember that Because that's how companies treat Employees in times like this the whole Thing with this happening right I was Just for paid transparency I was making Aund $20,000 um if you include the the stocks And all that right um $120,000 as a production supervisor at Tesla uh when I started in 2019 uh I was A production associate so it was entry Level um and you know I have a business Degree uh from San Jose State and Um I'm not going to lie it was It was Kind of demoralizing kind of like going Into entry level job yes it was Tesla 2019 at the time but like I was kind of Just shocked cuz man I mean you're just

Doing the basic minimum entry level uh You know placing Parts onto something And then and that's it like it wasn't Very like hard to do it was so easy that You know anyone can do it so but my Mindset was like Hey I'm g go in here And I'mma do my best no matter what no Matter the results and I'm going to do My best every single time I am in here I'm going to try to get my name out There uh to do my best because that is What I represent the key there is that's What he represents that's what he Represents not the employer think about That he started working there in 2019 With a bachelor's degree and took an Entrylevel job so that he could make his Way up in the company he probably wanted To retire there he probably fell in love With Tesla and Now and now he got stabbed in the back And not only did he get stabbed in the Back he got kicked out of the property Think about what this man must be going Through big shout out to this guy look At his attitude he's smiling still he's Trying to be a beat but you can sense The pain in this man's heart let me show You guys one more clip is because I'm Tired of I'm tired of this I'm tired of This system right I live in California Right rent is super high mortgage to get A house super High so you got your housing payments

Above a th for sure like no matter no Matter what it's going to be like a Thousand around and then you got um you Got utilities you Got electric you got water you got Garbage you got Wi-Fi you got all these Type of bills man and then like I Remember going a line by line cuz my Little brother was like hey man why Don't we just just I'm just going to Live in my car I was Like hey you ain't wrong like I could I Mean when I went through that Excel Sheet because I have a budget it was Like this thing's real like you can Literally save like almost $2,000 a Month and put it towards the stock Market and in five years you could be Financially independent and that's what I want to do I'm fired up of like hey Like getting laid off might have been The best thing that's ever happened to Me because I think that this is going to Light the fire and the spark of like hey Like this is uh you got to get out of This Rat Race Like the the rent is like so high it's Like you know what we're going to go Against the system we're going to go Against the system and the way you do That is hey you're going to live in your Car and then it's going to be um it's Going to be a hard and long fought Journey but you know I'm I'm with it um

I'm with it Because I'm tired of a of paying the Rent and all that and then look I I lost My job and then I like I Can't the mortgage like all that right Like we got to sell the house we have no Choice right so it's Like I don't want to be in this position Again we have to sell the house we have No choice and you know again I'm not a Financial adviser I believe in safe Inves so and what he said was is I mean It's so heartbreaking I mean I I hear Him giving up hope and wanting to make a Quick buck so what what is his plan now His his plan is to live in his car first Of all his plan is to sell his house now He's forced to sell his plan is to live In his car so he can save $2,000 a month That he's going to put into the stock Market because in five years he's going To be rich and successful I'm not so Sure that there is any you know get rich Quick schemes you guys you know for me Remember when I lost everything it took Me nine hard years of struggling to get Back to where I was now it all started When I lost my job and I was a loan Officer back during the GFC and when I Lost my job everything else followed now If I would have spent my money wisely Re-budget it six months prior to me Losing everything I would have been in a Completely different situation but I

Didn't now again this is a cautionary Tale of what can happen to us if we're Not paying attention if we're not Looking at the signs if we're not Looking on the writing on the wall if We're not looking at the deficit Spending and saying oh well it makes Sense things are propped up still if We're not doing those things then we Will if we get job loss we will get Swept up in the wind we you guys the Headline u3 unemployment rate is 3.9 Historically low but when we look at the Details and we match those details up to Other recessions we see that the labor Market is actually signaling a recession How how's that sign we're losing Full-time jobs and those full-time jobs Are being replaced by government jobs Anytime that government jobs take up a Big piece of the pie it's a recessionary Feeder okay so we're getting government Jobs which come on guys that's more Deficit spending that's costing us as Taxpayers even more money or we're Getting seasonal part-time jobs the days Where we could retire at companies and That we were safe as employees you guys I hate to say this but those days They're over you got to really look After yourself and even if you're Prepared say your p ratio is good you Have six months of savings you're going To go buy a house fine so be it you feel

Like you have great you know security at Your job do you have money saved do you Have no Consumer Debt are you able to Lose your job and not be like him ask Yourself these questions because you Don't want to ask those questions when It's already too late now other than That guys I definitely agree with him we Want to get out of the Rat Race and to Get out of the rat race one of the Primary things we got to stop doing is Stop spending our money like a bunch of Children like a bunch of lunatics that Just want instant gratification we need To be saving our money and reading books We need going on bike rides not cruises We need to prepare what's coming you Guys it's right there it's right there Please pay attention please pay Attention I love you guys I want the Best for you all right I don't want you Guys to get caught off guard like what Happened to me I don't want that I don't Want that you know it is what it is now Other than that guys I'm going to let You go very sad story everything will be Linked in my description if you want to Go to his YouTube channel give him some You know positive remarks feel free to Do that and I really hope you guys got Some new insights value and perspective And if you're out there investing in Real estate you guys already know that I Wish you luck and I hope you win