Jason’s Kids Investment Club, and how to get kids saving | TWIST After Hours

Jason's Kids Investment Club, and how to get kids saving | TWIST After Hours

I want people to really think about Educating their kids so I mentioned kids Investment Club on the all-in Pod that I'm starting it with my kids where and Their cousins I'm giving them like 50 or 100 bucks a month now you can't do this In Robin Hood where they can make their Own trades but I want my eight-year-olds My 14-year-old their cousins to do Investing early so I started kids Investment Club I got the domain named Kids investment club.com I have over a Thousand people subscribed to it I have Done nothing yet but in the fall when I Get a little settled and have a little Bit of time I'm going to do a monthly Investment club for kids and my goal is For them to understand all the stuff I Learned in my late 20s early 30s about Investing so I'm going to teach them About how to read and you're going to Love this for your kids Alex over time I'm GNA teach them how to read a 10q I'm Going to teach them what a price Earnings you know uh price to earnings Ratio is going to teach them about how Much cash they have I'm going to teach Them about competition and then have Them pick stocks let them place bets and Then at the end of the year this is my Concept is they get to sweep at Christmas half the profits to do Whatever they want with and then half The profits have to be reinvested so if

They have $ th000 Dollar in there and You know they bought Nvidia and they Turned it into five boom they got 2K They can go buck wild with 2K stays in They got three Net so anyway I just I Think we teach kids all kinds of crazy Stuff in School except financial lcy and What I want somebody to build is and I'll talk to Vlad I want a Robinhood Account hey Vlad shout out to Vlad I Still own every share of Robin Hood I Ever bought uh and that's worked out Pretty great I want to have a kids Account where they can use the app Because I'm going to be letting my kid Use a Robin Hood ATT against the terms Of service a friend of mine is Considering letting their friend their Child use the robin Hub a friend of mine With a limited amount of money and Creating a shadow I'm just saying a Friend told me they're going to do this I told him not to lovely friend here's My concept I create a kids account on Robin Hood they put their trades in and I can either have it be for funny money Or they put their trades in and then it Goes to Papa or Mama and they approve The trade and it's my trade I'm doing it But my child suggested it so it's just Not going to approve a process I think This should be Legal if it's not legal it should be Legal and if it's not legal I'm going to

Be doing it anyway on paper where They're going to just give me a ticket And sayi this is what I want to buy and I'm going to buy it on their behalf so Why doesn't somebody producti this this Is why when you and I talk about sports Betting or crypto nonsense I'm here for It let these kids lose a couple Grand Early so they learn that like betting on The Jets is stupid and betting on tech Stocks is smart yes you make it simpler Gambling risky investing intelligent you Know it's it's as simple as that