FDIC Issues Dire Warning | More Bank BAILOUTS Coming

FDIC Issues Dire Warning | More Bank BAILOUTS Coming

[Music] Welcome to real estate mindset how's That Travis yeah it wasn't that good okay go You do yours then okay I'll do mine you Guys welcome back to real estate mindset This video is gonna be absolutely Bonkers Bonkers it is gonna be bunkers I Have a special guest colleague and Friend Melody Wright with us today and What we're gonna do today guys is we're Gonna break down this article let me Show the viewers real quick Melody uh we Have some breaking news actually well Could be breaking news this could be a Problem that's been happening for quite Some time Melody is going to talk more About that but apparently right now the FDIC has issued concerns and warnings For pretty big companies Bank of America Goldman Sachs JP Morgan Chase and none Other than the redheaded stepchild of All of this which is City group so we're Going to dig into this guys Melody is Going to break this down as well uh as Far as her perspectives but before I go Into this a little bit more let me Remind you if I may if I May who my Friend and colleague is this is Melody Wright she is a writer an investigative Journalist if you guys want more of her Content if you guys want to even support Us inflation's hurting us as well we are Not rich people are we Melody but if you

Want I'm not signed in okay I don't know Why I'm not signed in but go to her Substack you guys read her writings she Also has a YouTube channel melody.com uh You know I consider you at this point Melody quite frankly family family the Kind of family that I want around same You know there's there's family that you Don't want around uh and um you know Before we begin uh is there is there Anything you want to say before we kind Of jump into the article and break it Down Melody no I'm just happy to be here Thanks for having me Travis and I feel The same about you let's get started all Right well let me read this up and what I'm going to do Melody is I'm going to Read a little bit of this just for our Viewers so we can kind of all be on the Same page uh now basically this is and This will be linked in my description This is from USA Today this came out Last night June 2 first this is saying US Bank Regulators ordered Bank of America horrible City Group we'll come Back to City Group Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase on Friday today Saturday to Bolster plans for how they could safely Resolved in bankruptcy and FDIC Escalated its concerns about Ci's Blueprint so I really want to kind of Understand like what are they talking About what is this whole you know um Will thing you know things like that but

I I wanted to scroll down here and again I think Melody is going to do a way Better job at breaking this down uh but A couple things here guys following the 2007 2009 financial crisis big Banks Okay like the ones I just named were Ordered to regularly submit plans to Regulators and this is the important Thing detailing how they could safely Unwind without requiring the fed put or Rather government assistance those plans Are assessed by Regulators for credit Credibility and feasibility well Apparently the bank runs that we had in 2023 weren't doing this or rather the FDIC reviewed their plans and said There's no problem so you know let's go Back Melly um you know that's the Article guys I'm gonna to kind of save Our breath and and really kind of just What does all of this mean what is a Will what is the concern here how is This a new problem existing problem Melody take it away yeah so this is one Of those things Travis where Unfortunately I have too much Information so it's probably not going To make any sense um but the wheels were Started after the GFC that you know Around Dodd Frank bosel 3 uh you you Basically you had this thing called a Stress test that they would do um you Know the frequency would depend on your Size uh for the big Banks uh the living

Wheels and the stress tests I believe or Every other year uh but essentially what It was supposed to be is okay if you Were under stress and typically what Would happen and I remember the very First dress test we submitted at Ally Which Ally was the redheaded stepchild Of the last crisis uh but they were Known as GMAC at the time uh well Actually they were known as Ally they Changed their name that's what our tar Money went toward was a rebranding Campaign but anyway um and that Yeah you talk about Indie you remember Indie MAAC you remember you remember World sa you remember those 12m Calculators that World savings I love Those calculators that was before we had Like it was easy to calculate mortgage Payments we could take those little World savings calculators anyways cool Calculators the bank is no longer uh in Business and that was bank that was Around for 100 years right and so and Yeah and and and honestly so basically What we were all the the big Banks the Top five that got into all the trouble With the AG settlement also the consent Order which that were a few more like 13 And others along the way but really the US five were the ones in the hot seat uh And that was your usual suspects City JP Morgan Bank of America um us and Chase And so we were all trying to figure this

Out together there was actually Something called a Consortium where we Would meet and talk um but that first Living will that first stress test was a Total cluster we were all trying to Figure it out we couldn't figure it out But over the years and what a living Will is is okay if something were to Happen to you if you were to go into Bankruptcy if um and the stress tests Give you certain scenarios like uh it Was widely talked about that the stress Test uh Incorporated losses on Commercial Real Estate the last go round Um so uh in the most recent stress test I think there was something around Mortgage the fact is is like They give you the scenarios then you Have to say how you're going to respond To them and the living will is actually It's like what how would you um how if If if if something happened you had to Go into bankruptcy how would you have an Orderly exit um and in this case what They're saying is that City uh was Deficient in that regard they named some Other deficiencies with Chase Bank of America but watch and honestly I think They just did that to look like they Aren't picking on City because here's The thing in my point longwinded point Is that we all figured out how to pass a Stress test we all figured out how to Pass the living wills and we have all

Heard over and over and over and over And over again that the big banks are Fine after the re Regional Bank crisis Even though they had all these Unrealized losses um you know they have All this derivative exposure the big Banks are fine that's what yelling tells Us that's what Powell tells us so why Are they telling us this now and that is The most important thing about this Story so let me recap uh what what You're saying for the viewers and that You just you brought us exactly where I Wanted to go next which is H why now is It because there's something behind the Thing you know behind the scenes going On now with city is City the new Washington Mutual but I'll get there in A minute you guys so when you read this Article understand that a living will or This is the same thing essentially in Correct me Melody if I'm wrong is the Same thing as a stress test and a stress Test is basically just for a lack of Better words here if there's something Like a Recession uh and it puts turmoil on the Banking you know the bank um this is a Plan that The Regulators would need to Review that basically shows these Regulators that these Banks can get out Of that distress and not need a Bailout is that that correct Melody so Far technically not same but yes but

Yeah idea is the same yeah okay so fast Forward now now we're we're wondering Because this has been going on obviously They put these plan since 2007 2009 we Have Administration we have headlines Amazing economy labor Market's great so That brings us to our next thing which Is why are they now concerned and you Alluded a little bit to something I want Talk to you more about do you think it's They're saying this now because city is About to crash on their but Talks why now likely and they they might Be um you know they they might be the Sacrificial lamb of this cycle uh Meaning that you know they really Probably shouldn't have made it through The last one a lot of blanks probably Shouldn't have but I think they might be The sacrificial land because um if you Think about it that I think that if they If I think if anyone tries to bail out The big banks that is when I think People will take to the streets they did Last time that was why everyone was so Concerned about not calling svb a Bailout right and so I think what They're trying to set up is everybody Get ready for when they seize City Assets and they will be the sacrificial LM because they all have this exposure Don't the derivatives what's fascinating To me is we're seeing more and more Articles on derivatives we're seeing

More and more articles on ETFs at the Same time we're seeing these thing Called failure to deliver you know where People are not uh making their Commitments in the treasury markets There's a lot going on and it all comes Around collateral shortage and what do I Mean by that I mean that they don't have The cash that they've pledged and what That exactly what happened right well Right that's correct in a lot of cases That's correct our cash because they Have our deposits they are gambling with Our deposits okay yeah exactly so I Think that this is um this is a story to Get us prepared for the Takeover of city And you know I could be wrong about this But I guarantee you it's been talked About but the fact that they have a Little slap on the hand like they talk About with Chase and Bank of America I Mean th that this is how you do this Kind of um uh scops is you make it look Like you know it was a fair assessment And everybody has a little trouble but We got one bad actor and they are going To be the ones that are going to be in Trouble and so I think this is a you Know this is just more mainstream media Uh you know leading us to a story um and Preparing us for what I believe believe Is probably going to be um a takeover of City do you think it's possible Melody being the expert you are uh on

Many things but specifically behind the Scenes inner workings behind the scenes Do you think that it's possible that you Know Chase Bank of America uh that They're selling their bad debt to City Because they know city is about to get Bailed out and so if I can sell my bad Debt to city and City's already going to Get bailed out let's just load our bad Debt onto City do you think things like That happen behind the scenes oh so I I Can't say if that's happening but do Things like that happen 100% I mean These back room deals the Washington Mutual deal all of that they you know There's some pretty interesting Techniques that they use uh to to make This all work and and you know They're there weren't there are some Unhappy players last time around because Of those deals that were made with the Government government but yeah I could See that I could see you know I think You're maybe you're alluding on purpose Or or don't but the whole good bank bad Bank idea so like you know dur after our The initial days of the GFC you know all We talked about was newco newco newco We're spinning off you know the bad debt We're gonna create a new company um and We're going to put everything off and so Ally was going to take the good part of The mortgage company and spin off all The bad stuff um and you know and and

You can still have arrangements with That bad bank and so and it can take on The loss you know it can it can help Hide certain things um ultimately that's Not the way we went we ultimately went Into bankruptcy um but I think what You're probably seeing play out is we Know that the government and banks are Very interconnected and so likely to Your point City's going to be the bad Bank of this cycle and like you know and It could be to your point that they were There were because you know Chase Bank Of America they've all been doing these Credit risk transfers it could be that This has been uh in play for some Time that's that's what I wanted to Really talk about right because we you Know we got ble three we we've been Following bowel 3 we've been following The health you way more than me of these Banks so you know last night I think it Was about 5m last night on June 21st the FED says all of a sudden They're now wor they're now worried Basically saying like Hey we're worried About these Banks because I take it as a Citizen ases we are concerned about Bailing them out like here's the four Banks you may not know which one is Going to be bailed out but one of these Four are going to get buil out it's Probably City if I'm not mistaken city Is the top uh bank for credit consumer

Credit cards is is that corre do you Know that for sure I I don't I think I Think city is the one of the number one For consumer credit Card they definitely have a very big Credit card U program let me I'll Quickly Google while you're talking keep Going now you know the reason I'm Suspicious Melody I think possibly Similar to you is you know in 2023 Jerome powerwell went to Congress and I Think it was February of 2023 and Jerome poell to Congress and The entire world said don't worry uh the Banks are fine the banks are resilient And a couple weeks later in March of 2023 he set up you know the bank term Funding program which was a mini bell Out sorry Danielle it was a mini bell Out over the weekend and uh Um exactly I'm I'm s lost for words I Mean this happening Melody I Agreed agreed and and and you know What's really well anyway no just take It away girl city is number three it's Number three behind Chase and American Express um but still 12% of uh Credit Card Market that's huge that's huge huge So yeah and and and my point when I was Trying to make is it's like okay that Happened last time in Congress and now All of a sudden they're saying they're Worried about these Banks I don't know how to how is that not a

Signal um like you were saying to to the Market that Like something's something's happening Behind the scenes we're trying to give You an update we're trying to prepare You but I mean I think it's safe to say Of those four companies Melody I mean It's City that's going to be the next Washington Mutual and I use Washington Mutual just for the viewers because Washington M was this massive Bank huge Bank my bank it was it was my bank too Had a Wu account it was my first Checking account was a WAMU account Washington Mutual and you know huge bank They got shut down they got shut down uh During the GFC um and and a lot of people didn't Think that could fail Melody right that And the bank wasn't able to save WAMU But now I'm looking back I'm like I Wonder how much bad debt was piled on WAMU before they were you know taken Under I mean do you think that city is Like the 2020 version of WAMU Potentially potentially I mean I I Definitely think you you just been Hearing enough about their trouble um And and again Friday night Friday night This story the week before uh the Fourth Of July holiday you've got so many People on vacation so this is one of Those I think this is a preparation Story and uh you know it's it's I I

Don't honestly think it's a warning I Think it's a preparation story getting People prepared but also not trying to Royal markets by you know doing it in This time period very similar Friday Night the fhfa announcement on uh the Freddy Co closed in second Lanes so you Know this is the timing of these it's Important to Note where do you think if you were to Kind of brainstorm a little bit you know On the video so everyone's watching you Brainstorm that's not uncomfortable yeah Where do you think the predominant Amount of the Distress that The Regulators are Reviewing anyways and warning they're Not telling us exactly what but they're Giving us a warning I mean come on man Like War what is it ex where do you Think the distress is coming from no Money from consumers the lag effect Shadow it's the shadow markets I mean It's all these derivatives it's this Gambling it's this casino where you know You don't have to post collateral you Know for the trades that you're making Or you go H re hypothecate it and so you Basically post collateral to several Different um places at the same time you Know it's all these tricks and these Derivatives you can't Truly find the Value on they're off balance sheet Securitizations A lot of the time the

Clos I mean it's just all this Shadow Market debt that is way bigger than the GFC and that is what happened in the GFC It wasn't sub subprime blew up the System it was collateral Leman did not Have collateral to pose for his Obligations because Chase said no more No more room at the end you're done and The minute that happens to one of these Big actors again we will have an Incoming credit event and it could be I Mean I think that if you study Game Theory and you know I wish Jack was here We could put on our tinf foil hats but If you study this They're always trying to accomplish Multiple things at once and so these Stories we don't exactly know what's Going on and but it could have several Different uh purposes um the biggest Purpose in my opinion is just preparing What is going to happen in terms of if They do take control of City essentially what you're saying is I I if I were to dumb it down the system's Broken correct is that correct yeah System is very broken in this regard Understanding the broken system Understanding the couple of the banks a Few of the banks that play here what do You think happens next with City how do You see that playing Out we're probably gonna have a lot of Congressional testim I don't know we'll

Probably have some show trials or Whatever you know where they prayed Praiser out and uh you know and it's Just how could you let this I mean I'm Sure we're about to see some High Theater so you know get your popcorn I Wonder if that's distracting us from the Actual broken system oh 100% I mean and I'm sure Warren will yell at her and you Know whatever it's just the system is so We we all we're playing with is fake Money I mean it's just you know it's Monopoly on steroids it's it's just Everything you can think About has been F like hyper Financialized and so this is the game And but the game is run by confidence And the minute that confidence starts to Waver someone will go under they will Not be able to turn around and make Their counterparty whole and it will be A big actor like so other stories we're Seeing right now in the Press are around These ETFs and these heartbeat trades Where there was a big heartbeat trade on Friday where 8 billion dollar kind of Went into one and then came out the next Day they do this to avoid taxes but just One of those where if if somebody's Doing a heartbeat trade but all of a Sudden that money gets locked up that Would take the system down there are Just so many things that could take the System down you wonder I we talking

About this Travis it's impossible to Keep up with everything that's going on Because there are so many many Vulnerabilities in the system and it's All around these off balance sheet Products these derivatives these Securitizations and it's the addiction To the gain on sale that you get when You deliver these out into the secondary Market and you get the that money and it Just becomes very ad I remember so I Remember sitting uh I was at GMAC for Earnings and it it was a year where we Were going to either announce our Bankruptcy we didn't that year we found Out that we were going to get tarte Money it was a last minute I mean it was Crazy times but I was sitting on uh kind Of the executive floor and when Executives came out and started telling Me about what they used to do at Bank of America and what they would do is you Know they'd look at net income for the Month it'd be the day before the last Day of the month and they would be like Oh crap we're coming in short we need to Do some securitizations and this is the Scene in The Big Short where they're Going to the Brokers and say just give Me all your crap I don't care what it is Just give it to me and they just pile All that into a securitization deliver It to the mark to the agencies get the Rating boom out the door

And that padded earnings and so Everybody has started operating like That because they don't actually invest In their business or people anymore they Don't produce anything anymore they just Enrich Shareholders so it's yeah it's gonna It's a house of cards it and it will Fall when is the question I don't like It this is a because this is this is our Money this is our money as consumers They're taking our money City took well I don't use City who Banks of City the Depositors are taking their money and They're gambling with bad debt it's our Money and then and then they mislead us And manipulating Us by doing these fancy Transactions let me do this over here so That their numbers look good so that we Continue to buy shares of their company This whole thing seems to me like it Should be illegal it's unamerican Melody Yeah even the people at Black Rock like When they came in and I had to explain What notional value was they did Understand these all mine derivatives Nobody understands this crap like three People in the world understand this crap And it's so complicated because even if You're like the fund manager in The Big Short that did the cdos uh the Collateralized debt obligations that Have largely been replaced by Clos um You know they don't understand they

Don't they know their little part and That's it and that is honestly what's Also happened in the financial world is That we tried to Henry forward Everything meaning it was going to be an Assembly line and everyone lost Knowledge of like if you do X and this Is of C basic cause and effect and and It's in mortgage specifically you will Not find anyone who can tell you what Life alone profitability is you will be Able to find what the cost of service is What the cost of origination is what you Might make on your origination what you Might make on your servicing but no one Looks at end to end if did they wouldn't Be in the business Period it's about moving money that's All it it's been like That yeah I think really since Securitization started in the 80s I I Honestly think that's where everything Started going off the rails well the Rich get richer because the systems Designed to make the rich get richer let Me ask you melody so I'm sure there's Some people that feel a little bit like Me that they're just completely Disgusted with banks that they want to Debank but they're kind of afraid where Do we put our money uh some people think That the solution to Deb banking I'm not Saying I'm not one of these people yet I I need more information I don't trust

What I what I hear but then some people Swear by it do you think crypto is the Answer unfortunately I I wish it was the Answer I I wish that it was the answer But you know I I and I I have good Colleagues that believe in it and and I Hope I hope that they're right but Unfortunately its Beginnings are very Suspect we know that the government is Getting involved we know that a central Bank digital currency is on the menu we Know that uh they've gone after certain Actors in The crypto world and and Honestly I think they've got everybody's Number and so what they could do is a ba And switch is they could say you know Everybody's kind of gotten used used to The idea of of crypto and so they say um Okay these Crypt th this whole crypto Crypto sector is just and they've Already said this you know it's just Gangsters and da D and criminals but we We your government we're going to do it Responsibly and by the way we're gonna Buy just just because we wna we're going To put $500 in your account to Start and that is how again you will Lose more control of your life um sorry I that was it's Depressing it's depressing because you Want to I want to feel like my my lender Right I chase or whoever right I want to Feel like I want to believe that they're Good people they care about me they're

Making sound Investments they're helping The community around where they bank but The reality is is they're not the Reality is is they're flooding Wall Street with all of our money and then They're getting loans on our money and Then more credit on our money and They're just making more money out of Thin air and then I wake up one day and I'm like Whoa where'd America go I don't remember This I I I don't remember so much hate In the world so much Division I remember Going outside playing basketball not Tennis because I wasn't that rich I was Always jealous of the ten played Handball though with my hand you ever Play that it was super fun hand handball Like a mad man out there I grew up on The wrong side of the track We we played All those games this just happened too Fast Melody I I I think this happened Way too fast for my comfort and I think That as a result of it happening so fast I don't think it's going to work I think I think that you know yeah people say There's these Evil Geniuses but I think People are stupid I think what we're Seeing is people trying to work us over That are just stupid and this whole game And in dog and pony show is coming to an End I think it's the stupidity that Makes it feel like conspiracy uh but Then again there's like facts that

People say are conspiracy as well so When all of a sudden done Melody what The hell do we do about all This we we just worry about what we can Do try I mean we can't you know I can't Solve this problem I I can't but what I Can do is make different decisions and And make decisions to protect myself I Mean that is what I can do and that and And and not be indebted not be in a Situation where I am I I look at that $500 from the fed and say please thank You you know like me some more um I want To be in a position that I don't need to Take their money I don't need it I can Operate it operate without it if that is The way that we go and and people will Tell you that there's really only two Ways out of a crisis or a situation that We're in right now where so many people Have left the workforce where we're in Declining demographics and we have this Much fraud in the system typically it's Either Financial repression or it's War And you know at this I you know at this Point I think we've we're heavy already Into Financial repression but cbdc is Probably the last mile there as well as You know kind of maybe Universal basic Income but you know right and so I mean These are the things guys this is just If you let yourself think about the Future it's it's kind of how it just Mak Sense of what is next or War right and

And we are definitely Uh gearing things up on that front uh You know and and take your pick China Russia are we going to get involved in The Middle East like so it's you know a Lot of people would say we've been at War for a year uh or or even longer Because it's a hidden War it's kind of a Pipa malgam calls it a cold war in hot Places or hot war in cold places Something like that but it's a different Kind of warfare they're cutting cables Like uh they just cut cables I I can't Remember which a Asian Nation I think But you know that they do things like This as opposed to getting the tanks and Rolling them you know across land um and Then cyber warfare like you know we Haven't even talked about what's Happening in the Auto industry right now With that uh you know Cyber attack on The dealership software that's brought That industry to Iha Hal which could Actually create a credit event because What a hacker yeah a hacker because Here's the thing there there is somebody On the other side that was banking on Getting that loan to sell it to the Marketplace and make money and as that Does not happen that is a big problem Like when Nation Star got hacked that Was a huge problem because they were one Of the biggest buyers in the mortgage The mortgage box security Market it's

Sorry in in kind of the the loan Purchase Mar Market but this is a whole Industry what's happening with Auto and So this a 1.3 trillion I think is the Size of this industry this could turn Into a credit event as Well you know we I'm sorry I get Frustrated you know I feel helpless is Why I feel helpless I feel like they Already know my actions or there there's Nothing I could do but but the reality Is that's just in my head there's plenty I can do in my household let me ask you This final question we'll wrap this up Here the FDIC according to the article According to to what we're reading here It warned us the straight up said hey This is the FDIC we are worried Especially about City but also chase you Know BF Melody should people right now Take this warning FDIC warning and go Debank all of their money from Chase I don't I I I cannot say I I don't Think that's I mean I cannot say what You should do and I certainly don't want To cause a bankr run but you have to Make decisions what I do is diversify Don't have all your money or eggs in one Basket like you know also you might Think about owning hard assets like gold And silver I I mean again this is not Investment advice this is kind of I Looked at my life and Diversification is the best strategy

Because as you can see all across the System there is risk and so you know I Think putting all your eggs in one Basket never works out never and so you Just kind of have to look at the Different risk wait it for yourself if You have a deposit over 250,000 at any Of these Banks then yeah you need to be Doing something about that uh that cash That's over that insured deposit Amount did I'm stopping now because I'm I'm thinking did they actually change That rule I don't think so like remember Hearing whispers like they changed it to 500 but I I didn't see anything official But it was 250,000 which means if you Had more than 250,000 in one of these FDI shared banks that that's all you got Unless you're Oprah or you know like They bailed out all the rich people in 2023 um you know did you find It I think it's 250 I'm pretty sure Unless they pass new law it definitely Was before but I'm just wondering if uh Here so However more five beneficiaries FDIC Coverage limit for the trust remains 1.25 Million um it looks like they Didn't change that yeah I think it was Just Rumor if I'm not Mistaken which I mean I don't see why it Would matter because they bailed out

Everyone on that last one so I don't I Mean even if they say 500,000 they could Just change that over the weekend with Jerome Powell in the room so that Doesn't really matter does it and also What doesn't matter is the FDIC doesn't Even have the money to ensure even One Bank failure so the FDC is Just an Illusion to make us feel better as Consumers to give our money to banks That spend our money like crazy and Recklessly and really again FDIC is just So that you guys feel better that's it Just oh here is gonna show they don't Have the money guys they didn't get they Didn't bail out the bank the FDIC didn't Step in the FED stepped in because the FDIC didn't have the money I got to tell You something Melody let's send us out Of here I want to tell you how I feel And I want you to see if you can drum up Through your amazing mind your amazing Heart and your soul and I want us to be I want us to end with some hope with What people can really take away the Positive spin on this but at first I Didn't tell you how I feel I feel Helpless I feel like there it's this is Just in my head and I will conquer this But hypothetically and for my viewers I Feel all alone I feel like this is an Impossible battle to win I'm very Confused I'm even scared I don't know What to do with my money I'm worried

Melody I I don't know how my children Are going to be raised now I feel like Everyone's out to get me that's how I Feel and I know if I feel this way that There is a percentage of people that Feel that same way what can you tell us Melody to make us feel a little bit Better about the horrible crap that's Going on we have to create Community Travis like the way that you the way I Get through this is by talking to people Like you my friends and colleagues that You know have have experiences that you Know uh are that are similar but also Different but you know can relate to What I'm saying can understand what I'm Saying so Community create Community Versus you know what's happening now With algorithms social media they're Trying to create division but get Involved locally meet your neighbors Because Travis you can feel that way That everybody's out to get you and then You get in your car and you go to the Grocery store and you're wearing that Right like and then somebody does Something like they kind of they don't Mean to but they cut you off and then You're just like Angry you know they're Trying they're taking advantage of me Hor and but here's the thing we have to We have to forgive before it even Happens right we have to try to work on Forgiving before anyone has even even

Done the transgression and going out and Something I know I'm going to sound like Some I don't know like crazy lady but What I do often when I'm about to go out Into to the grocery store to place Because guys I don't know about you but These trips have become stressful like There's always some encounter right Whether it's they don't have I mean it's Just always something yeah so I just Have to myself right like you go to a Restaurant these days you don't get Served you know or I me it's just I just Spent $60 on that steak get that kid Over here my water up right there's just All this this anger right and so what I Tell myself and I know again I'm G sound Stupid but before I go to somewhere like The grocery store I'm just like you know My goal is to bring joy to others um and To find joy and and the thing is is that I know if I bring joy to others that is That I will find joy and you know like When I'm hanging out I was telling you About these little kids that you know I'm kind of helping out this summer when I'm hang out they're like you say hello To everybody why do you do that that's So Embarrassing and I'm just like because We have to start talking to one another Again we have to start relating to one Another we have to start you know coming Together to fight whether like you say

Whether it's it was int intentional Whether it was ineptitude whatever it is It doesn't matter so we have to have That forgiveness and go find Community Cuz together we better if I had not Found you Travis and really you found me Right you found me and then you put me In touch with Jack I mean all like in Many ways you help save my life and and Because if you are in this Alone it can become a hell and it can Feel very overwhelming but you're not in It alone and that's what I think you and I are both trying to say to everyone you Are not alone you are not alone and There is community out there don't let Them tell you otherwise just because you Don't like one thing that Travis and I Say and you don't want to hear me Yelling at you for drinking Starbucks I Get it but just ignore that part ignore It and see what else I'm trying to say Because I you know I'm not like you say Travis I'm not getting rich off this This is in many ways I feel like my Purpose and so you know just that little Trick of how can I bring joy to somebody Else today actually that is where you'll Find your joy and it makes a difference If you can be that intentional so and But that takes a massive Act of will Because we are being beat beaten down Every single day yeah it got me a little Emotional there and that's why I wanted

You to say that ending there hold on a Second um that was good that was good I Just wanted this last thing something That helped me because I I'm from I got Some baggage you know I got baggage man And it's very painful baggage that I'm Always Constantly trying to get through right I'm going to just say this one thing all Right unforgiveness when we don't Forgive it will bind us and lock us and Trap us to whatever the sin is so well Done Melody that that's how I was able To get myself out of the gutter because I wanted to blame everyone and but first What I realized is I had to Forgive myself first and the only way I Was able to do that is through my Obedience to walking out a path with God I got my conf because I had no Confidence left I got it from my Obedience anyways that's a little bit of Preaching we're going to get out of here Melody I think you know I think that was A great great talk obviously there's a Lot of turmoil it's really impossible For us as Citizens normal citizens to Really get the full picture no Absolutely zero people have the data all Of the data we can't go to one place to Get the truth we got to go to hundreds Of places looks at hundreds of sets of Data and quite frankly people are Worried that we don't even know who to

Fight sometimes Melody and that's the Worry like I'm fighting the wrong people I was fighting Realtors well some Realtors aren't even you I maybe I Should have been training them how to do A better job I don't know I don't know Who to fight but I do know that Community is everything if you want Change you you can't do it alone and so That was great and so please just join My Discord spree join that Discord Melody we want you in there there's some There's some spicy people like Johnny's In there Jeff's in there a lot of people In there but anyways I'm gonna get us Out of here Melody do you want to say Anything else before we go no I'm good Thank you all right guys one more time Give you know Well Done Melody as usual Go to if you want to support her we're Not rich people go to her substack Subscribe to H substack you'll see a lot Or hear and read a lot more of her soul Her heart she really cares about people That's why I'm such you know respect you So much as a colleague and friend Melody I mean there's really no one that I've Met quite like you I mean we've gone Through hell and back both of us we've Both you and I have we got to the height Of heights and we went to the lowest of Lows and now here we are that's what you Get and I hope you guys like it now Other than that if you guys can't like

The video And if you're out there investing in Real estate you guys know we wish you Luck and we hope you win