[Interview] Evan Cagner | TechBlue CEO

Evan Cagner


Evan Cagner is a seasoned CEO and advisor, currently running the company TechBlue. An alumnus of Cornell University, Evan graduated with a dual major in economics and computer science in 1995. During his time at that institution, he was also an active member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity.

Throughout his professional career, Evan has proven to be extremely savvy with technology. He is a multidisciplinary professional who has created the ability to grow and modernize all areas of business at the various companies that have employed him in his past roles as the chief executive officer and the chief operating officer. Evan’s stated goal is to drive shareholder value in whichever business he heads by creatively accelerating sales, as well as maximizing process and efficiency through bridging technology with the human workforce. He prides himself on always being able to listen to stakeholders and taking decisive action when the situation calls for it.

Evan is a volunteer and a member of the Board of Directors for the Sunrise Association, an organization that helps children suffering from cancer to go to camp each summer. He is also a member of the Cornell University Council and the Red Bear Angels, a venture capital and private equity firm that invests in technology and entrepreneurs that originate from Cornell.

How did the idea for TechBlue begin?

The idea for TechBlue was inspired by all of my previous business and personal experience. I have been successful at identifying problems even in times of crisis, seeing several moves ahead on the chess board, and tying strategy and gut instinct together to recommend and implement solutions.

What does a typical day look like for you, and what do you do to increase your productivity?

I am a very early riser. My best thinking occurs early in the morning, mostly because there are no distractions until the rest of the world wakes up. I start every day with a physical workout of some kind. For example, I love to bike, practice yoga, play tennis, and workout with weights. After that, I always try to block time in the day to work on the fundamental operations of the company and then take meetings to work out the current business of the company.

How do you bring something from "idea" to "reality"?

Sometimes ideas require brute force to implement because they do not sit well with others. Those are usually the best ideas. Change for the better can often be uncomfortable. I also find that testing out how different business processes connect with people, and how those people collaborate with each other is usually the best recipe for bringing an idea to life.

Is there a certain trend that excites you right now?

I actually believe that the remote and distributed work trend is exciting for companies and the larger workforce, but it’s important to understand how to harness everything positive about it.

What is one habit that you would credit with making you a more productive entrepreneur?

Discipline. The only way a new idea becomes reality is through discipline.

If you could give advice to your younger self, what would you say?

I would tell my younger self to be more trusting of others in order to help guide me to success, as opposed to thinking I had to do everything all by myself.

Is there something you consider an "absolute truth" that people may disagree with you on?

Eating healthy food makes you feel mentally and physically stronger and more capable.

As an entrepreneur, is there a habit you would credit with helping in your success, that you would share with our readers?

Push, push, push. Do not take ‘no’ for an answer until it absolutely is the answer. Sometimes people want to say ‘yes’ and it just takes some more convincing to get them to that point.

Is there a particular strategy that has greatly helped you grow your business?

At every opportunity, I expand my network of business contacts. Even if you aren’t in need of a person’s services at the time, you never know when a situation might arise when their friendship could be beneficial. This has happened to me many times over the course of my career.

As an entrepreneur, what was one failure you had to face & learn from ... and how did you overcome it?

There was a time in my career that I assumed some of the business ventures I was working on would continue indefinitely. I learned the hard way that nothing is forever. Everything changes. My acceptance of that fact is how I overcame that failure.

What is one business idea or sector that you are watching, that you could clue our readers in on?

I would recommend getting into ghost kitchens. If my hunch is right, they will be incredibly popular in five years or so.

Is there one software or service that has helped you be more productive (or focused)?

I use Calendly all the time. It auto schedules meetings for others to sync up with my calendar. Frankly, I don’t know what I’d do without it.

Could you recommend a book to our readers that helped you along your entrepreneurial journey ... and explain how it did so?

I heartily endorse The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller. It explains how to accomplish big things by breaking them down into small successes. It’s a good book for any executive—or even anyone involved in a project of any description—to read.

What is your favorite quote?

“No idea is dumb.” I truly believe that sentiment to be true. However, I don’t think that quote is attributable to any one person, though.

Most Important Lessons Learned:

1. Discipline is key to achieving anything worthwhile.

2. It pays great dividends to eat healthy.

3. Don’t take ‘no’ for an answer until ‘no’ is absolutely the answer.

4. Trust in others to aid in your success.

5. Don’t assume that your current venture will continue indefinitely.

6. No idea is dumb.