Europe Could Be in Recession If Ukraine Worsens: Dimon

Europe Could Be in Recession If Ukraine Worsens: Dimon

Our economists would say that europe has Slowed down to two percent of something But the the the problem with right now And the economist would agree with me We're looking at a static analysis that If things stay the way they are but you And i know for certain things don't stay The way they are and my view is there's A very high chance that oil go higher it Only takes a million to two million Barrels off the market a day that can Drive prices up 30 or 40 dollars and so We should prepare for that today And uh So But i like the effect i think it's great That the western world has gotten Together and who would have thought but Would get sweden finland germany Switzerland all of us to but that Working together part we need to make Permanent for global security first of All just going back to the european Economy how quickly could we see a Recession and how deep could it be i Don't know I mean you know i hate to guess the Future no one really knows the future I've never seen any really guess it well But again if you have if ukraine gets Worse i would assume that europe's going To go to recession it may take a couple Of quarters but i would assume that but How do you see this ending and actually

If you're if you're president of the us If you're president of the commission if You're the fed right now you need to Game theory and it could go either way It's like a three-way system So what do you do is it is the listener I i think it's a mistake to guess at Which one will be it should be all three Of them and i think you know i think Basically the cold war is back i think The whole world learned something that We always knew that national security is Always the most important thing but it Kind of recedes in the background we're All doing well but now it's the most Important thing it should be the most Important thing for the rest of our Lives so maybe we all learned that that That is a permanent state of affairs the Cold war is back The allies have to coalesce and not just For military purposes but for global Economic strategic investment purposes So that we've got a safe world if and if We don't do that you know you would you See ukraine you can see all around the World you will see forms of chaos where Is china in this right now You know look i i my view is that china Can't possibly like this and they're Playing if you look at them they're Playing a very neutral role they're not Trying to anger the united states they Know that the american congress may very

Well the congress not just the president Can come in and put you know these Secondary sanctions they do 3.5 trillion Dollars of trade with the west imports And exports they do 150 billion with Russia Okay one number is critically important Sanctions against them may be bad for The western world it'll be even worse For them and so they don't need that They want to grow their country they Want to expand you know maybe they don't Like the west so much they like this i Don't i just don't believe that's true i Think that they're caught between a rock And a hard place they had the so-called Ally who's putting them in a difficult Place