Eastspring Remains ‘Overweight’ China, Likes Japan

Eastspring Remains 'Overweight' China, Likes Japan

Steve was telling us that that around Five percent growth Target is just the Floor so does this give enough Confidence to the markets that we could See more uh room for gains despite the Fact that we've seen a huge run up until Now Yeah potentially that's what we're Expecting to see you know obviously We're seeing it very much in the Beginning of the year and we do Sometimes have a moving goal post in Which if things are not going as well You know as people are seeing then Potentially we could see further Stimulus down the road but right now you Know what we're expecting to see is Definitely a less Reliance on Infrastructure like what we've seen over The past couple of years and then in Particular a much more focus on Consumption you know this is where when We look at our portfolios especially Amongst the domestic a shares you know We're much more focused on domestic Consumption consuming discretionary Names and then specifically also on Health Care relay names I think one also Key aspect is the fact that you know Tech self-reliance you know looking at Some of these areas on Renewables these Are all going to be very important Aspects now last year the whole you know When we looked at the renewable sectors

In China it didn't perform that well but We think that this year especially There's going to be more grown emphasis On that Tech self-reliance and this is Really one of the areas that we're also Keen to look at much more further yeah We do have jd.com for example reporting Earnings this week what can we expect in Terms of earnings recovery in these big Tech Giants Yeah not necessarily you know sort of With this upcoming report that we're Expecting to see with the report cards But you know going forward when we're Looking at specifically let's say when We look at first quarter numbers when we Look at second quarter numbers this is Really where we start to see a lot more Push and a lot more stronger growth you Know overall when you look at earnings Growth it's definitely much more Healthier much more the prospects are Much better as compared to a lot of the Other developed markets so there is Definitely things that we uh you know We're expecting to see very good results But more likely you know so we're coming In the second quarter in the third Quarter when these results are going to Turn you know much more positive Trends because a lot about The kind of easier picks when it comes To the China exposure story already Having been done and I do wonder what we

Need to see to get that further Catalyst For another part of the rally Yeah this is going to be very key I Think you know sorry when we look at the Second quarter when things you know Definitely start to come back much more Quicker online then we're going to Really start to see you know some of These numbers and whether or not you Know these growth is sustainable but What we're seeing so far when we look at You know various numbers you know when It comes to Mobility when it comes to Overall consumer spending when it comes To travel you know these are all Happening again and so as you know as we Continue to further analyze the data we Do expect to see you know a much further Pickup uh heading into the second Quarter and well into the summer months Actually Beyond the China story what do you find Compelling at the moment because it is Feeling like we're going into a more Difficult few quarters for broader Equities Yeah when it comes to Rising interest Rates that's you know it's sort of Getting everyone you know having a Difficult time sleeping at night Sometimes but the fact is is that you Know when you look at here in Asia you Know we still do see you know China is Definitely a very good opportunity uh

Place to invest you know even within Developed markets you know we do like Japan the fact is is that when you look At overall from evaluation perspective When you look at it still from a Monetary policy perspective which is Still very much more accommodative rise In wages throughout across the board in Terms of various sectors when we look at Specifically you know sort of the Overall earnings yield that investors Can get within investing in Japan we Definitely do see opportunities there When it comes to investing I've Heard lots of people liking Japan Financials given that they're expecting Some sort of tweak coming from the bog In the next few months what are you Expecting No I mean yeah I mean Japanese Financials when you look at value stocks Within Japan we still very much do see Opportunities there when we look at 2022 It was very much a value cycle within Japan when it comes to stock picking but We think you know there's definitely Still more room for further improvements Amongst the value stock so definitely You know this is going to be sort of an Area we're going to continue to keep our Eyes on when it comes to investing in Japan