Dollar Winning by Default, Says Morgan Stanley’s Sheets

Dollar Winning by Default, Says Morgan Stanley's Sheets

What's happening to dollar does it go Ever higher Yeah so good morning look the dollar is In a really interesting place but i Think it's also kind of a simple place You know you have a market where Investors are looking for defense They're looking for diversification Obviously bonds are struggling to Provide that in the same way the dollar Is a positive carry diversifying asset That makes it more attractive And then i think if we compare the Dollar to other major currencies other Major economies China's clearly struggling with the zero Cobia policy Europe has this major uncertainty around Energy security that's hanging over it The uk Is dealing with with major uncertainties Around its economy energy security you Know wheat growth and if you look at Some of the emerging markets they are Even more impacted by some of these Inflationary pressures so the dollar is Also i think winning a little bit by Process of default here process of Elimination and even though it is Expensive i i think we hesitate to kind Of extrapolate the strength out too far You know for the moment the more kind of Systematic signals that we run or are Saying that the dollar strength can

Continue in the near term