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Why AI May End Labor Protections And Become Your New Employer: Robert Reich

We've been speaking with top economists to better Understand what this economic climate means for Companies bottom lines. Today, I'm speaking with former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich. Professor Reich, thanks so much for Joining. Well, thank you for inviting…

Why Youth Unemployment Is Surging In China

The second largest economy in the world is in Trouble. China is facing a growing list of problems, real Estate, semiconductor bands and labor market gyrations. The World's second most populous country also has a major youth Unemployment problem. Really…

Is WhatsApp, Facebook’s Biggest Acquisition, Paying Off A Decade Later?

Over half of the world's 5.3 billion Internet users are on the messaging Platform WhatsApp owned by meta WhatsApp Is the world's largest social messaging App with almost as many users as Facebook over 100 billion messages are Exchanged on…

How Wall Street Profits From Student Loans

Student loans are a big business. The US has amassed over $1.7 trillion in outstanding Student debt. Until recently, it was the largest Non-housing debt for more than a decade. The first time it broke $1 trillion was back in…

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The Daily Grind Magazine Spring 2023 Issue
Spring Issue Available March 21st, 2023!

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