Build to RENT Homes EXPLODE 300% | This is CRAZY

Build to RENT Homes EXPLODE 300% | This is CRAZY

And all that is what American homes for Rent is banking on one of the largest Single family landlords in the country It's now building its own communities a Good World good World welcome back to real estate Mindset today's video is going to be Absolutely Bonkers now the data is in And we've had listen to me a 300% 300% increase in build to rent sfr Communities since 2019 you guys we're going to go into all Of this data and then we're going to Talk about how not to be an American That's stuck renting for the rest of Their life I'm going to tell you guys Right now when I read this data when I Read this article about how many areas Actually are building rental owns guys Absolutely blew my mind I mean things Are so insane right now I hope it's Going to blow up on everyone's faces but The thing here is and I want to start by Saying this you don't have to feel bad If you're renting it's not you know you Don't have to rent forever if you're Purchasing a house right now the media And the industry wants us to think that If we don't purchase a house right now That we're going to rent forever but That's not true at all what we should Really be doing is if we are renting Right now or we can't afford a house or

Whatever is going on make a two-year Plan to rent make a two to threee plan To rent and understand that what really Matters if you're renting don't listen To these bums don't listen to these Bulls don't listen to these guys okay Huge egos all they can see is themselves They only care about themselves you guys And making money all you got to do you Make a plan two to three years and you Rent with a purpose and by purpose what I mean is Credit Income assets Understand your Market understand comps Understand value understand recession You have time you should consider Yourself blessed that you're not someone That purchased a house with buyers Remorse now what we'll do today we're Going to go into a few videos and I'm Going to show you guys insane data Points but we'll start with the video so I can show you guys what's been going on For the last few years American homes For rent is banking on one of the Largest single family landlords in the Country it's now building its own Communities more than 100 in just the Past 5 years with 5 a half thousand Homes in 16 markets this generation of Individuals has all their life events Later in life they are getting married Later they're having their children Later and they're acquiring homes later Meaning there's a longer time period

That they're renting hence the need for More highquality Rentals with the housing market now both Pricey and lean big landlords as well as Home builders like lenar Dr Horton and Toll Brothers are getting into the build For rent Gain there were 13,000 new single family Homes started as rentals in the first Quarter of this year a nearly 63% jump From the same time last year this Country is under supplied in rentals Single family rentals grew dramatically After the Great Recession when millions Of homes went into foreclosure and Investors bought them the supply is now Starting to come down as some smaller Landlords sell at top prices but demand Is still high American Homes reports About 98% occupancy as the pandemic Reshuffling continues greed fraud Corruption and the FED has destroyed the Housing market for the average American 98% occupied now my biggest worry and Why these investors and these rich People belittle us all the time is many Renters don't care about becoming owners They want a lifestyle that they're Comfortable with and they want to go on Through you know life doing their own Thing which is fine you don't you could Still have a happy life renting but I Believe that as Americans that each of Us should own a house and that each of

Us should be purchasing house at a time That's not horribly risky and toxic Which is what's happening right now now But my point in all of this is if you're Renting you must have a plan so they're Saying that everything is starting later For adults so what I say is is start Sooner on becoming a great homeowner Especially if you're young and you're Listening to me start sooner not later Start now because you have the warnings You see what everyone else is doing and The people that are the most disciplin Generally have the happiest lives and Are the most successful either way you Guys got to look at this this article Okay this just came out today so the day This recording this came out this is Titled the bill to rent housing market Has grown more than 300% since 2019 insane in 2023 there were a record Breaking 27,455 Bild to rent homes completed in Just one quarter my gosh these 20 Housing markets saw the biggest Increases now before I get into that I Want to show you this graph right here I'm probably going to post this on X Twitter uh now this is very interesting Guys this is the number of buil to rent Us homes completed each year now this is Going back to 2014 so if you look at 2014 to right now that's a what almost a

What five time come up that's what That's actually a six-time come up right There that's almost a seven time come up From 2014 to 2023 but what's really Astounding here is look at the increase Just from 2022 to 2023 these guys want Us to rent so that they can keep the Asset which is why I'm saying focus on You focus on your Market have a two-year Plan to rent maybe a three-year plan to Rent as everything gets balanced we Enter recession we get through the Presidential election because and if you Don't believe me what I'm saying look at The buyer remorse surveys look at the Buyers remorse surveys we we don't have To you don't have to listen to me you Don't have to listen to these Bulls but Please listen to the people that just Bought but either way you guys this is Out of freaking control look at that 2,495 insane I wonder what it's going to Be this year in 2024 now this next data Sh guys this is this is really Surprising to me these are 20 Metro Area Housing markets with the most build to Rent home completions in 2023 the number One market really surprised to see Phoenix on there really surprised to see That and honestly you know I can't Believe Phoenix is on here but Phoenix Is leading the I thought it would be Texas as why Phoenix is leading the way At number one they had 4,000 homes

Completed to be rented insane look at Number two you guys Dallas Dallas is in Pain I'm going to tell you I just got Back from Dallas Dallas is a mess they One part of the city is falling apart And abandoned the other part of the city Is nice and it's like there's nothing in Between it's crazy but Dallas is number Two sitting at 2694 Atlanta oh my gosh that's crazy Atlanta Georgia 1981 I also support Atlanta Georgia Austin Texas guys Austin Texas at number four I have also toward Austin look at Charlotte Number five guess what I've T Charlotte As well Charlotte is a swamp it's pretty Crazy but 714 followed by Detroit Kansas City Columbus Ohio I would think Columbus Ohio would have more and then Another Texas city with San Antonio at 587 the lowest one on this is Riverside California there's really not a lot of Places to build in Riverside unless you Kind of go into you know north towards Apple Valley and places like that but Riverside sitting at 344 number two from The bottom is Salt Lake City sitting at 377 now when we look at what's just Under construction this changes this Actually changes quite significantly so Except for the number one and what I Want to point out first is these are Expected completions from 2024 to 2026 And I want you to pay attention these

Numbers are much higher than 2023 Because again it's counting 2024 through 2026 number one metro area Phoenix Arizona number two is Dallas Texas at 6,4 81 followed by number three Houston Now I'm glad I see that because if I'm An investor and I want to invest in Houston knowing that Houston is like Full of investor owned properties I Might be a little hesitant and then also The property taxes but my home Metro Houston is number three sitting at 4,836 Huntsville Alabama sitting at Number four I've also toured Huntsville That's kind of crazy right Charlotte at Number five Atlanta six San Antonio back Up there Austin Jacksonville and then Whole bunch of Florida Salt Lake City is Going to increase last City though on This list is Denver Colorado now as far As how long is this going to go on look At this last little paragraph right here We expect to see deceleration it just Isn't penciling now we're seeing build To rent developers that are trying to Sell a lot of communities to builders For the forell market because of Challenges with higher cost debt we see The market right now under a lot of Pressure but don't expect build to rent Homes to go away and they're not going To go away but what we do know and we Covered this when we went out to San Antonio on our Metro report video is we

Found an American hom to build home that They couldn't rent it was on the market I think for half a year and they Couldn't rent it out so now they're Trying to sell it and they can't sell it And so they've reduced the price on the House now if they sell that house American homes for rent it's listed for Under Market when that house sells for Under Market they just doomed the entire Subdivision because remember the Subdivision value is generally Calculated by three comps three homes Out sold so if one of those three or two Of those three are forced selling or Distressed sellings like American home For rent then it's going to bring down The entire value of that subdivision and You guys this is not going away so it's Really really important now more than Ever that we are doing things Differently than most of the population Because most of the population will be Stuck renting but we won't be because we Are awake and also these construction Workers are awake because when we look At new privately owned housing units Under construction that are five units Or more so basically like you know Apartment complexes five units or more Look at the Historical surge we' we've Never had this type of home building the Home building right now for like renting And making money is insane you guys look

At that it has been going down if we Look at the fiveyear it's been going Down slightly but we are still so far Above pre- pandemic so far so they are Still building like crazy and if the Market stops if it goes into recession That stuff is going to sit there and rot We already see it happening and we Haven't even hit recession now here's The thing that sucks you guys new Privately owned construction for sfrs Now unlike apartments or five units that Are going down sfrs are actually going Up that's great news right right guys That's great news maybe it depends how Many of those are being built as build To own but I do want to point out guys We are still way above pre- pandemic so Even though we're sitting at 689 ,000 That's a lot when we consider we were Only at 522,000 right before the Lockdown so they are building but not Enough now here's the thing you guys and Here's why I'm saying it is the best Time in America there's never ever been A better time to rent but likewise There's never been a more important time To rent with a purpose increasing your Purchasing power understanding what's Going on because we see the greed Corruption and fraud and really when we Have the correction depending on the Market we need to be able to get in get The home of our dreams and get out as

Quickly as possible without an investor Coming in and sideswiping us with an all Cash deal which again I say rent with a Purpose it's never been a better time to Rent but we also see that when looking At this by now everyone should have seen This this is the gap of renting versus Purchasing now this is a little bit Lagging data you guys but essentially it Cost roughly as of when this was done About $1,845 to rent to own is about 26.97 the gap between the two is massive Now prior to lockdowns you see that it Actually was cheaper to buy versus rent And in these situations you guys not in Every situation but usually it's a slam Dunk buying I mean seriously think about It if you can buy a house for less than What you're renting and it's the same House it's a comparable house it's Usually a slam dunk but look at the Gap That that that reality is over this was The sweet time right here I'm circling The sweet time but right now it's over They rug pulled us and who rug pulled us The FED corruption fraud greed investors Y'all y'all see do y'all agree with me Comment Bel seriously do you agree with Me do you agree with me on that guys Comment below I want to know your Feelings another article right here guys Rent or buy a house the Gap is narrowing For affordability in the US just want to Read these paragraphs right here guys

What percentage okay of paycheck goes to R this is a scary statistic among 45 Counties with populations of at least 1 Million the biggest gap between renting And owning is in Honolulu where median Rents consume 67% of average local wages while typical Single family homes demand 135% of their paycheck so to buy they Can't it's more than their paycheck That's just their mortgage that's not Even utilities to rent 67% imagine that Guys I mean how could you not feel Trapped how could you not give up I mean These people are giving up hope and I Hope I hope that's not true but I worry Now Oakland California 51% for renting 51% your paycheck 108% for owning so my point in saying That is even rent is high right now you Guys we have a real problem going on in The US right now we have and that Problem is is not us well let me take That back we have two problems one of The problems is actually is us as Consumer rors we're doing a horrible job Anticipating a recession we doing a Horrible job at bringing balance back to The housing market because we continue To spend recklessly and I'm going to say Guys we have never been at more at risk Of becoming renters for the rest of our Lives because it is so easy now to have Bad spending habits and so again I say

Yes big problem bad spending habits a Lot of us can increase our purchasing Power from just that alone but the Second problem is is look at what Happened to the housing market and this Has been happening for quite some time It just spiraled out of control when the FED dropped rates who did that really Help did the FED dropping rates help us Or did it really help investors did it Really help the rich because that's what It looks like here now I really want to Know what you feel what should be done Should we turn the rent to owns into Affordable housing can we wouldn't the Government have to be involved and make Things worse but then what about the Creed corruption and fraud how do we get That under control how do we help the People in Honolulu who 67% of their Income goes to paying rent and a lot of Them are natives they don't want the Tourism the tourism's killing them and So I plead to you love some people Understand what's going on in your Housing market and make good decisions Great decisions moving forward and be Careful who you're listening to remember People that are telling you to buy Generally get filthy rich off of you Doing so other than that guys if you're Out there investing in real estate you Guys already know I wish you luck and I Hope you win