Amazon, Walmart and Target announce massive July sales

Amazon, Walmart and Target announce massive July sales

Well the competition for your money and Your business is heating up this summer As three of the country's biggest Retailers announc big sales in July Amazon's Prime Day deals will be Available on the 16th and the 17th Meanwhile Walmart and Target have Announced some massive rival sales so For more on all the deals I want to Bring in uh Business Insider senior Retail reporter Alexander bidder I'm Glad that you are here it is Christmas In July uh so Prime day coming up uh It's a staple for loyal Amazon Shoppers What is the retailer offering in terms Of deals this year just about everything Um it's I mean literally I was looking At the list yesterday and it's really Exhaustive um this is the 10th year that Amazon's done Prime day um and it's you Know things you would expect like Electronics um for instance Amazon's Ring doorbell you know with the camera In it that's half off so it's 50 bucks Instead of 100 if you want uh personal Appliances like a personal cure egg Machine for your kitchen or office um That's 60 bucks normally $100 but There's also stuff you wouldn't expect Uh cruises you can buy travel packages Through Amazon that are on discount um You can also sign up for free grocery Delivery for three months through Amazon And Whole Foods so it's just everything

It really is yeah um and then not to be Outdone uh Target and Walmart are pretty Much following suit probably to deal With this level of competition Walmart's Out already sort of put out a list of Things but what do we know about what Target and Walmart is going to be Offering us yeah so no surprise a lot of It's taking direct aim at Amazon I mean Walmart's doing camping gear right Popular at this time of year um target Has a lot of toy sales um which is sort Of interesting because we're not yet at Christmas uh but yeah they are as you Alluded to doing the same sort of thing I mean they are taking aim at Amazon Here um they see that Prime day has Become a shopping event onto itself and They're responding in kind with their Own discounts you know July used to be Sort of a dead zone dead time for Retailers and sales and stuff like that Is Amazon changing the entire landscape Now I mean I think they have um the fact That Prime day has become a such a major Event and now retailers are responding Their Rivals um it's also worth noting That Prime day is really for Amazon About increasing Prime Membership right I mean they're happy to have your Purchase no matter what I'm sure but What they would really love you to do is Sign up and pay monthly or yearly for Prime and it's worth noting too that

Walmart and Target have their own Versions of that membership program yeah They already have all my money Alexander Thank you so much no problem