AI Demos: Llama 3 Innovations, vibecheck, Globe Engineer, Wisdolia and Tesla’s FSD | E1941

AI Demos: Llama 3 Innovations, vibecheck, Globe Engineer, Wisdolia and Tesla’s FSD | E1941

Chat GPT just made available to all its users Is memory and what memory is it starts To learn about you in the memory Settings of chat GPT which you should Have available now it starts to remember And in this particular user's case it's Showing that is traveling to Canada for A vacation has a two-year-old daughter Named Lena daughter loves wow so the Language model is storing this as bullet Points in your settings seeing this Become available globally within chat GPT and it this is incredibly Dangerous By the way if this Got okay uh yeah this week in startups Is brought to you by Squarespace turn Your idea into a new website go to twist for a free trial When you're ready to launch use offer Code twist to save 10% off your first Purchase of a website or domain vanta Compliance and security should shouldn't Be a deal breaker for startups to win New business vanta makes it easy for Companies to get a sock 2 report fast Twist listeners can get $1,000 off for a Limited time at twist and wistia all-in-one video Platform for business with tools that Help you create manage and measure the Impact of your videos try Wisa for free At Startups or all right everybody welcome

Back to this week in startups madra Tuesdays have begun AI Tuesdays sunny It's time for demos there's a little bit Of news but you know people are here for The demos we got some news too got news Too got demos and news let's get started Let's start with llama 3 because what's Happened you know last time we talked About it we had a good episode I think a Lot of people tuned in but what's Happened since llama 3 and I'm going to Just pull in like an example and this Will be pretty quick and this is why you Know sort of what Zak was talking about Was so important with respect to the Ecosystem is what you can see here this Is a good example by Min and he's kind Of gathered 10 ways that people have Taken llama and basically pushing the Limits of its capabilities okay and to Recap llama 3 is Facebook's open source Language model they released it last Week they're working on number four and Um it's already shot up in the hug face Rankings to like the top two language Models people are really excited about It because it's smaller faster better so The first thing we're going to talk About here is a user Sabu shuban have Basically taken llama 3 and you can make It such that you can deploy it locally On your computer okay so this is a Regular old laptop and uh you can deploy It on that server as opposed putting it

On an h100 is like what somebody would Normally do or put it on a Glock chip Like you're working Correct okay but now I would suspect if You're running it locally it's Incredibly slow and grinds to a halt It's slower and it's good for like like A maybe personal use cases or you want To use it without the internet or if You're kind of coding on a plane and you Want a coding assistant without Basically you know while you're doing Something so there are some limited use Cases where this is it's usable it's Probably going to operate you know at The speed of like 10 to 15 tokens a Second which is you know reasonable for Some for some use cases got it so but it Obviously would not if you were offline Be able to go to the open web okay so This is important why why is this Important okay we understand the fact You can run it on a laptop why is this Important because what anybody actually Are showing here is that this is a good Way that it may start becoming Integrated within applications that Don't want to go to the internet and Don't want to pay you know when it's out On the internet you have to pay someone For the inference right when you're Running it locally on your machine we go Back to the good old days of jcal boox Software ah got it yeah when I was

Running my uh entrepreneurial efforts in My youth in Brooklyn about seven miles From where I am right now in Laura Manhattan okay so that makes sense I can Think of one application here if I had This on my local computer and I wanted To index everything on my computer there You go photos maybe all my documents Whatever my MP3 files whatever I had Locally most people store everything in The cloud but you might have a copy People take Dropbox or iCloud or Outlook At Microsoft drive and they and they Syndicate here so yeah you can run this On your local computer like a local Search engine of your computer got it Makes total sense got it we're gonna go Through these quickly someone took llama 38b which is a smaller model yeah and Extended the context length to 160k Explain contact length Give an example Just so people know the default model is A th000 tokens right so remember we we This is we just use this proxy think of A token as a word it's not quite but It's it's a great proxy yeah so the Default model only comes with a context Length of 8K so 8,000 tokens which would Be for example a long newspaper or Magazine article a book correct you know That's a five hour audio book or Something might be 50 60,000 words a Long book might be 100,000 words yeah so Just to give people context here this

Small model basic would take like a Sunday magazine or a New York New Yorker Article a long article and be able to Put that in the context window correct And the context window needs to be have Enough space for both input and output Right and so you were trying to Summarize a long book you wanted to Basically make sure it has space to Summarize it as well but what we've seen Here is people have extended the Training and they use 200 million tokens Additional tokens to basically extend The context length to 160k this fun this Is sort of the things that you know Z Wanted to happen you know this one's Very similar to you know things we've Said but like people have made it a Co-pilot within vs code you know today The leading co-pilot Microsoft had their Earnings last week and they talked about You know they have millions and millions Of paying co-pilot users well now you Can use llama 3 with your you know basic You can use it locally or you can use it Remotely and basically you can have it As a co-pilot in vs code another user Here has enhan it for function calling Which is really useful this is tool Selection so if you wanted to you know You want to use um the model in a Workflow where it needs to make a Decision to go out to the internet to do Something this user here has extended it

So that it can do function calling and It knows which tool to use depending on The question and there's like an example Here it's using like a currency Converter to do currency conversions Here someone has squeezed it to make it Run on a single 4 gigabyte GPU the these Are all those things that Zuck was Talking about which could be interesting Innovations some could be useful some Could spark other ideas and here Basically what the user has done is They've done like a divide and conquer Approach and like how they're doing the Layer-wise Inference here a user you know Interesting love using grock basically Built a video summary tool so what you Can do here is you can basically drop in A link to a video and it'll create like An instant summary for you without you Having to watch it which is great you Know sometimes we don't have times to Watch the 1 hour and 40 plus minute all In podcast intent jcal and so it was a Long one this week yes for sure I'll Just do one or two more here this is Just showing the world the real of Possibilities here someone has combined Lava and we've demoed that before that's A vision model with llama 3 so using the Capabilities of llama 3 with the vision Capabilities of lava who's lava who who That's an open ource project yeah that's

An open source project that is basically Um it really meant for research it's you Have to go get a commercial license you Can't use it for commercial without Getting a license from them and you can See in the example where they've Combined the reasoning capabilities Remember of llama 38 billion which was As good as llama 270 billion with a Vision model up front and so this is Really exciting uh as well yeah here This I'll I'll do has the last one and Then we we can kind of move on well this One might in this one might impact some Bets I think this week at Bets to see sunay night betting like Lunatics on AI predictions yeah so this One basically someone again created a Variant of llama 3 Abacus and basically They've made it available within their IPhone app so this is running locally on Your iPhone app for you know the small Model which is awesome wow yeah so this Is something we thought was gonna happen At some point and now you could think Well the context window could be all of Your contacts on your phone all of your IMessages on your phone things that Exist on your phone maybe it can record Your maybe you could build an app that Records your screen and then adds Everything that you record on your Screen puts it in llm that's local on Your phone and then if your phone gets

Dumped or like you know it's encrypted Then nobody would know so this's this Concern that I want to give my Information to open AI or my Microsoft Or some other third party that's no Bueno for me um but imagine and I had The guy I forgot his name come to me in A moment who's doing the recording Everything on your desktop and I I Challenged him on the Pod like are you Recording signal on people's desktops Like we're recording your whole desktop I'm like well the expectation with Signal is that those aren't recorded So You're kind of like building a tool Without ethics to record things that Aren't supposed to be recorded right and Then you're putting it into a model You're storing and it gets hacked now You're going to be in trouble here so This would if it's your local copy Optimized for iPhone let's say or Android stored encrypted all of your Data for all time recording everything You do could record every phone call or You know the metadata of the call in and Out every conversation you have then you Could ask it who haven't I talked to in The last week that I should talk to hey You haven't called your mom you haven't Texted with your mom it could start to Understand everything on your phone I Think this is very powerful when we you Start seeing these language models

Running locally hey startups you ever Notice how successful businesses are Constantly evolving well that's because They add fresh features to get their Customers excited and that's why I am All in on Squarespace and you should be Too Squarespace is adding new features And revolutionizing their platform all The time I've told you this before this Includes powering all their tools with AI you guessed it and one of my Favorites this is incredible it's Blueprint AI yes it's their guided Design system for building a new website It's it's custom and it's built Specifically for your business needs They've put over a billion design Combinations at your fingertips so you Get an online presence that's unique to Your brand we used it to build our own Founder University website the process Was so simple we were prompted through a Series of questions and then blueprint AI took control tailoring everything to Our preferences from website structure To the color scheme very important for Me and from Design Elements to font Pairings I love fonts by the way it's Just one of the things I'm into boom Within minutes we had a Sleek new Website ready to go live so check out twist for a free trial And make sure you try this blueprint AI Tool It's amazing And when you're ready

To launch go to twist to Get 10% off your first website or domain Purchase that's twist Since you brought that up Jal and I do Have to give you credit world's greatest Moderator you just have this uncanny Ability because we didn't even plan this No we never planned it it wasn't on Today's list but chat GPT just made available to all its users Is memory what does it mean memory okay So they basically put this out in beta In February and what memory is it starts To learn about you okay and so you'll See in this example what they do here And I'm just gonna you know for the Folks uh I'll I'll narrate it but as I'm Doing that here is what the user does is I live with a Golden Retriever named Ellie and Main and cat named Teddy What this does is in the memory settings Of chat GPT which you should have Available now it starts to remember and In this particular user's case it's Showing that is traveling to Canada for A vacation has a two-year-old daughter Named Lena daughter loves wow so the Language model is storing this as bullet Points in your settings so you don't Have to tell it because I remember there Was another feature not called memory it Had a bad name but I would put in there I like sources and I like things Presented in tables they call that but

This is much better because it's Happening in time so I wonder if we did Ask it hey put that in the table hey Site your sources if it would put into Its memory you like sources you like you Like sour well yeah and you know it's Doing it sort of automatically and also Like you can force it to put something In there but I'm just bringing this up Because you were talking about how you Think people are going to use this on Local models but we're seeing this Become available globally within chat GPT and it this is incredibly Dangerous By the way if this Got okay I yeah this is very dangerous And this is where I think break down why You think it's shap you know Google has Your search data Instagram and Tik Tok Have their algorithms watching what you Look at what you like Etc that's could Be very revealing people have complained Before like oh my God and I I suffering From depression or I have cancer like The health stuff comes to prominence Very quickly oh my God they have these Searches I did Etc that's why people Should use things like the brave browser Which has VPN shout out to my friends at Brave and you know incognito mode was The big joke like they called it I think Porn mode but not in not private mode is I think what the Google Engineers Jokingly called it because it doesn't do

Anything and Google got in trouble right Because did you saw this recently they Were sending themselves information on Your incognito mode anyway this is um Why this is um very I want to finish This example for for the listeners ja Where so the user basically told it the Name of its golden retriever and Cat and Basically that went in the memory here That's what it's showing and then the User in a future example it says create A photo of my pets writing a surfboard And you'll see chat GPT create an image And it says here is the image of your Golden retriever and mun cat riding a Surfboard I hope you like how they look And and you got to remember that in in The prompt all the user said was create A photo of my pets writing a surfboard Please and it used its memory to enhance The response to the end user so yeah I Mean this is going to be very powerful And very dangerous so if it knows when You know your parent died had a tragedy In your life when you got a cancer Diagnosis whatever it is these things Are really not things you want a company Like open AI or Google or Microsoft to Have their hands on and to have this Whole psychographic of you which Microsoft has had you could spoof these Things very easily when you sign up for These Services create yourself a burner Account tell them you're the opposite

Gender you know add or remove 20 years From your age and use a burner email Address so that these companies don't Track you that's like number one use a VPN number two I suggest nordvpn or the Built-in Brave VPN both of those are Pretty solid uh both of those also have Sponsored the program because I love Their products just so you know like the Way the the ads work on this show yeah I Tell them what products I like they Email me talking about the products on The show the people who are marketting Like oh my God jcal loves audible jcal Loves You Know Lincoln jobs Jal loves You know uh Squarespace great have him read those Ads because it's not an ad it's like an Endorsement like I love notion and Koda And Squarespace all those things you Hear me talk about in the ads are Actually I'm using it every day so we Have our choice we can skim the cream With the best partners and brave and Nord vpm two really great products shout Out to Nord and um Brave you have to use Those things you use a VPN in Brave or No no I I I I I use Chrome and I use I Use vpns only when I'm traveling big Mistake you got to have your vpns on all The time Shields up and you gotta have You can't use Chrome because you're Giving every single thing you do to Google yeah and Google has shown you

Probably like any Corporation yeah Whatever they say whatever you think you Should not trust them they can dump Search history and look I probably need To think about this more but like I have Different Chrome profiles I have one for Work and I have one you know personal One and my personal one I like that it's Looking at all that because I use the Google Search app and you know news feed Is that because it's kind of looking at Everything I'm switching so you've made A decision that you don't mind it yeah Su better experience for me okay yeah I Mean that and that is the gift take if You you give of yourself and that's what We're seeing here and you get more Personaliz I do think you know I'm not being a Conspiracy theorist here um people Should use Brave as their default which Shields up as their default and then Back it up with you know Chrome or Something that's my best advice and Always by default have your VPN on only Because you could get intercepted and on Wi-Fi and you'll forget like you'll Forget and like you know when I'm at an Airport I'm at Starbucks whatever I just Don't want to not have Nord VPN and Nordvpn by the way has something called Double VPN which is nuts they do like a VPN to a VPN so like they double layer The vpns it's incredible and then when

You're overseas I like to use Sirius XM Hulu NBA yeah then you can get that yeah And you know like I'd say you know those Services sometimes play cat and mouse With the vpns to try to ban them from Using it I would say nordvpn has the Best track record for me in my expence I'm gonna try that you know my current Goto is I don't use public Wi-Fi I use My hotspot on my phone that that does Help a lot and so never go on public Wi-Fi but and if I'm traveling I use Vpns for the exact same reason you're Talking about so I can get to us-based Services and by the way these things Went from being like 30 40 bucks a month To being like five or 10 bucks a month So you don't really have an excuse if It's a hundred bucks a year like just Get it folks if you hear my voice and I'm not saying that because they're Partners you can pick whichever VPN you Like I'm just telling you the one that Is the most Rock Solid and I have it on My phone my laptop and my desktop boom Rock and roll um should we do Tesla Really quick you wanted to talk about FSD had a small amount of time to talk About it on Allin and you know we were Asking to give predictions whatever so People were like oh you guys don't Understand you guys don't understand how FSD works I'm like I'm using FSD pretty Great um and they're like you don't

Understand it's now it's a neural Network it's not the C code I'm like I Do because when I click the button it Says we're no longer using C++ lines of Code we're using the neural network and Yeah you know I've met the guy who runs Tula you know like I do understand that Folks and so when I said I think it's Going to take 10 years for 5 to 10% of The rides to be automated I was talking Number one on a global basis because Jurisdiction matters and number two just The number of drivers out there Available and the competition how Expensive Robo taxis are incredibly Expensive Teslas are incredibly cheap Because they're already out there but Net net net there's regulation there's The technology working in all markets All climates all conditions all roads All edge cases and so I thought I don't Know in five years if of the 10 billion Rides Uber is doing and I think there's Probably that I think Uber might have Less than 1% of all rides globally in The world like you're not talking about Paid um rides on just just trips I think There something like a trillion trips or Something so if they have 10 billion They have 1% right and 100 billion rides Would be 10% so let's just for argument Sake I don't know if this is true but Let's just say Uber's 1% of all Global Rides and then who knows how many um how

Quickly this will roll out by Jurisdiction on a global basis I suspect Foreign jurisdictions will do it first You know if you're in UAE you know you Need to get the government's permission And you know they could just have these Up and running in Dubai tomorrow because It's a top- down government who moves Quickly somewhere like the United States In Europe you can have regulators and Local and protests I mean that's how Democracies work so it's going to be Much slower so I took the position 1% of Rides per a year for 5 to 10 years it Seems like back of the envelope that 1% Of rides by the way is 10 billion rides A year so that means 10 billion rides You know in 2026 I don't think that'll Happen by the way that's a lot of rides But let's just say in 2027 it went to 10 Billion then 20 billion then 30 billion Then 40 billion what's happening is it's Not taking away from Uber oryt in my Mind it's taking away from car ownership And public transportation as well as the Dog fight between the ride sharing Services and people are like oh my God You're crazy you know next week where This year Tesla's goingon to flip a Switch and they're going to own all of Ride sharing and I'm like that's not Possible because it's not legal in these Jurisdictions listen a strong sales team Can make all the difference for a B2B

Startup but if you're going to hire Sharks you need to let them hunt and you Can't slow them down with compliance Hurdles like sock 2 what is sock 2 well Any company that stores customer data in The cloud needs to be sock to compliant If you don't have your sock too tight Your sales team can't close major deals It's that simple but thankfully vanta Makes it really easy to get and renew Your sock 2 compliance on average vanta Customers are compliant in Just 2 to Four weeks without vanta it takes three To 5 months vanta can save you hundreds Of hours of work and up to 85% on Compliance costs and vanta does more Than just sock 2 they also automate up To 90% compliance for gdpr Hippa and More so here's your call to action stop Slowing your sales team down and and use Vanta get $1,000 off at twist That's twist for $1,000 off your Sock too you sold your last company two Companies ago to Ford you have a lot of Experience with self-driving and with Car Technology and then definitive was Sold to Gro youve got a lot of things in Language models with your unique Perspective you've heard my position Obviously Tesla Bulls are out there Saying they're going to win it all I get It you know if you're own the stock you Might talk it up and obviously you never Bet against Elon but I think he'll just

Get as many rides as Uber over some Period of time but I don't think it's Actually taking away from Uber lift I Think it's just taking away from people Driving any Ser driving themselves and That's what's going to go away it's car Ownership is going to go away to car Rentals and on 88 August 8th they're Launching and they're going to show a Car without steering wheel pedals from Tesla which then means they fire up the Production line and we've seen the Production line and how you know Difficult that is Elon talks about it All the time cyber truck took a long Time I think they're up to a thousand Cyber trucks a week um I remember when Model 3 hit 5,000 a week like this is Really hard he always says like Designing a car is easy producing it is Harding who knows how long it takes to Get the robo taxi up let's say he starts Having that come off the line next year That would be like a record but let's Say he's motivated and I wouldn't Underestimate him he gets there in 2026 He start they start coming off the line 26 Okay A th000 a week 5,000 a week 10,000 A week it's a dread knot with his Factory so 10,000 a week would be half a Million a year okay half a million a Year a million a year two million a year You know he's gonna get he'll get there

But it'll be one he'll get 1% of rides a Year every year which is 10 billion Rides what's your take Sun am I wrong so Are the Tesla Bulls wrong what's reality Here because weo yeah is in two City Three cities right La San Francisco Arizona I believe yeah there's a lot of Other people in the space what do you Think is going to happen here handicapp It for us I think there's like the Following major considerations that like Just get like maybe like overlooked I Think we kind of need to break it up we Are very far away from your driveway to Your final destination in any service The amount of corner cases that exist From every single person's driveway to Every single business is very very hard Okay and and why are you saying your Driveway what what I me why is that Important you're saying your driveway You're not saying without without Sharing to much information I've been to Your place right yeah and your driveway Is hard for a human sure it's a long Winding driveway it kind of goes Downhill a bit so in order for it to get You know you got to get past the gate Right and so in order for it to come Down to you know your front door and Then take you out like it's it's it's Going to take that actually is going to Be challenging but let's assume people Are in apartments and cities and they're

Just going down to the street so okay What I'm talking about is I think we're Further away from the con full Convenience of like what a human can do There now where I think we're gonna and I'm going to give the other side of it Where we're very close to is what they Have in Vegas now have you tried the Tunnels in Vegas I haven't been to that Yet is is it self-driving or is there a Person in yes it's self-driving in the Tunnels right and so basically co-pilot There or host I thought they had a host In the car no no no there's a host but I'm saying is but they put it in Autopilot mode supervised so there's a Safety driver yeah but what you can see Is that's a replacement for that Vegas Mono rail that they're very close to so I'm just kind of giving you the the the Book ends here okay the hardest thing Getting to driveways in the suburbs And I would assume you put Snow sleep Fog into that category as well all of Those edge cases that's the most Difficult and the easiest is you've got A tunnel with no pedestrians guaranteed Straight shot yeah boom easy you have a Big area where you get in it drives you Through some dedicated Lanes it comes Out it drops you off over that's 100% Done and the other one is not even close In your not even close yes and so where I think we land is bits and pieces

Uh now so I think the bookends we agree On in the middle now let me break that Down for you I do think what we're going To have sooner than later is you see This off the 280 you know like those car Share parking lots yeah so I think what We're gonna have is car share to car Share next ah very interesting yeah so I Go to the 280 I park in one of those Parking lots for people who don't know There's a car share lot on the 280 which Is the giant freeway every time you get Off there's just parking lots you park At that parking lot so that you could Meet somebody and and you can leave your Car there for free it's a giant parking Lot yeah okay so I drive there I get out There's an a Tesla or an Uber or a whmo Waiting for me I get in it drives me to Los Angeles it drives me to yes Stamford Or whatever or it drives me to the next One I get off there and then I do what It takes you to kind of well-known spots Like that so it won't take you like Right to your final destination but like Some preprogrammed some pre-programmed Area on Theus can get to yeah this Specific place so it's going to take me To University yes and this block boom It's GNA take me to the Stanford campus That's a very interesting idea um and That would be doable today no problem Right yeah and that's what I'm trying to Say that's kind of closer to the tunnel

Right where if you're willing to drive From your house to the 280 and do that Yeah it can take you to the chase Center And the chase Center back or SFO or take Your pick and so I'm confident that We're that's achieved as well okay you Believe that's achieved no brainer Exactly so I think that's achieved and So what we're going to see is like sort Of this progression of folks I think We're going to see progressing from like Those those examples to then fixed Within the city as well where it's it's Like hey you know I'll get you you know Close enough to your destination the Cities have already started making Changes like you I don't know if you Notice in SF like Market Streets Clos to Regular traffic but like taxis can drive On it so yeah only that yeah you can't Pick up or drop off unless you're a bus So you have to get off of Market to do Your drop off a pickup and then just go Around the corner or whatever so they're Trying to keep the flow going which they Did exactly as San Francisco cleared Out so now Market Street's doubly empty It went from being a chaos to being Empty okay great hey everyone quick Shout out to our friends at Wisa Wisa is The ultimate tool every marketer needs To supercharge a video strategy it's a Powerhouse for generating leads and I Want to tell you about one really

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And Market Video try wisy for free by Heading over to startups W startups give me your prediction As to because people think I'm talking Up my book oh my God Uber you know I got Some big Stak in or whatever you know I Do have a steak in but I mean I'm not Really talking my book I'm trying to I'm Trying to call balls and Strikes here so Call balls and Strikes for me let's talk About the ride sharing companies Uber Has to deal with wh to put them in there Let's take let's move out from just Tesla for example because there is a big Debate actually I want to go two ways One lar versus not lar Tesla versus wh And then I want to go to the networks Like Uber's Network adding weo adding Cru or those people competing so which One do you want to start with let's Start with light 's vision okay so Explain to people what this debate is And if people have won it because Elon Said years ago humans are capable of Driving cars in all kinds of conditions Therefore cameras which can see further And can see 360 should be able to do the Same job um and then we Mo said hey liar Is necessary because you want to build This huge model and there's all these Edge cases you know a plastic bag floats Across or famously the white truck that Went across the highway tragically and The person was watching Harry Potter and

You know shame on that person and and You know I don't want to speak ill of The dead but really can't be watching a Movie with uh you know they tell you to Stay vigilant so so take us through the Liar yeah what I would say is you can Achieve you know full autonomy without Liar but what I will say so you're in The Elon Camp it is possible but what I Will say is just like planes you can get Into you know one of our friends Original planes Which can fly you you know from LA to You know SF yep but the newer plane has Like collision avoidance systems and all Kinds of other stuff and so look both Things can accomplish the same task one Just has a lot more safety features and What I will say is it's not that they Can't complete the same task but the one With the collision avoidance system and All kinds of advanced avionics that Don't exist in the two-seater plane yeah Is the one I would want to be in is the One you want to be in right so if we're Talking about safety you feel lar will Be some magnitude safer yes because it's It's tell us 10x 2x what what do you Think if you had to guess I'd say when We look at the final data it will Probably be yeah somewhere between two And 10x better like not not like 100 Significantly better yeah now that won't Matter if there's no fatalities so yes

Do you think people will die in a Self-driving car in the next year a wh a Cruise a Tesla whatever in a robo taxi We haven't had a robo taxi death we had The tragic Uber one where the woman was Playing Candy Crush she got in big Trouble and the safety driver wasn't Paying attention you know that was just Human era so we take that one out taking Aside human era will we see a robo taxi Death whoever's Robo taxi it is not Picking any company in the next couple Of years As these things are deployed or do you Think it's largely you know and it was The fault of the robo taxi not somebody T-Bones it not yeah of course a deer Jumps across the 280 tragically this Does happen and and a deer smashes into The windshield and kills somebody Putting those kind of things the do you Think there'll be a fault of robotaxi Death in the first five years of this Being deployed in the United States Here's what I'll say I think we will not See a fatality in a lighter based um System for um in the next two years okay So you don't think ladder will have Death I don't think so but you does that Mean you're saying you think a non- ler System would could have a death I think So yeah still oh wow okay unpack that Why why why do you think that you know Liar the systems that have liar also

Have cameras and so for all those things That you can't see with your eyes the Lighter is like a like an additional set Of sensors right it's it's U it's like The plane that has you know autoc Collision avoidance right got okay yeah So the question is are we 99.9 safe in a non- liar and 99.9999 59 or whatever and we'll see and You know one of the things I think that We're going to realize is in constrained Environments we will have interventions We will have the cars pulling over we Will have them causing traffic we saw That with crws and But what we won't have is fatalities and The people who will die it will be the Fault of the humans and human failure I.E somebody jumping in front of one of These things or some biker you know Trying to set a record going down some Hill in the mission you know blowing Through a red light or a stop sign Because they one on their bicycle hit Some straa wrecker or some nonsense okay Very interesting now let's take the Second one what do you think on a Business basis is is going to happen Here I said I think there's going to be 10 people who figure out Self-driving um in different Jurisdictions in different modalities All in the same time frame is which I Would say you know in let's call it the

Same 36 months and what that means is Since we have a it's going to take a While to roll this out even if you were The one who you know figured it out the 36 month and let's say Tesla and wayo Figure it out in the first you know six Month in that period the roll out is so Long that there's going to an Opportunity for of those 10 players you Know let's say three or four of them to Compete and then Uber and Lyft have the Option of the vendors who just want to Sell their vehicles into a network of Buying those vehicles and there are many At scale folks you know whether it's Volvo or Toyota you know more about this Than I do who will have these available And they don't want to run their own Network they want to sell into the Existing networks is my thesis of that And Strikes and accurate because what I'm trying to do is be just completely Intellectually honest here as an Uber Shareholder and a and a friend of Elon And Tesla and a fan Of I learned through the Ford experience Okay is that the most likely winner here Is the one that has like the closest to The Uber model and what that really what What what does that particularly mean is That the massive Capital expense is Taken on by the owner of the vehicle Okay explain that if you're trying to Build a network from scratch and you're

Trying to own all the vehicles right Those numbers become very big very Quickly you're spending billions and Billions of dollars on the vehicles Owning those Vehicles maintaining those Vehicles and doing all of that the Beauty of like sort of the Uber model is You can put rules on it for maintenance And everything else but all that's taken Care of by the by the by the owner of The vehicle and so if I were to bet give Everything that I saw the last few years It would be the Uber model where people Bring their asset into that is the one That's going to win which is what Elon Said with Robo tax he when I guess it Was how many years ago was that it was Before covid he did a preview of this Yeah like I know is that six years ago Or seven years ago can I share something We learned like during the the you know Some of those days you know in Ford Which was many people that drive in ride Hailing are not permanent Drivers and there's a lot of really Interesting incentives and I just want To kind of commend Uber for doing this But you can go and get a car through a Car rental agency like Herz and a bunch Of other places which will allow you to Drive and you really only have to do Like like 20 rides a week and basically The rest of the time you can use the car Yourself wow oh that's very interesting

See I wasn't aware of that I do hear These kind of stories so so I'm let's Say lower middle class you know I'm a Blue collar person student I do 20 rides A week I make 10 15 bucks a ride I get You know whatever that is 800 bucks a Month thousand bucks a month I don't Know how much they're making the average Ride but the average is $37 yeah you got to pay Herz like 200 Bucks you got to cover your gas and Other things you pay the 300 400 Whatever you're in the black very quick Yeah from some number of rides right if It's 35 $37 an hour let's may say $35 an Hour let's say 30 without the guess $30 An hour and if it costs you I don't know 400 for the thing gotta work 10 hours a Month to have a car for the rest of the Time I never thought about it that way Yeah you know there's there's another Analogy people use this service get Around and some other ones and they rent Their car out yes three days a month for $300 or $400 to folks appear appear so If you rent it out four days a month for $100 a day that's $400 and if your car Payment $400 or you your maintenance and Insurance everything was 400 bucks a Month whatever it is I'm talking about You have like a used Toyota prus or Something you're in the black it's Pretty great yeah so that's where I Think like what gets underestimated so

That's where I kind of like the Uber Model where they have the network and Then people will bring their car to that Network and put it in the network and it Doesn't have to you know 10 hours a day And all that it could do 20 or 30 rides For you a month and it covers your bill And then the rest of time time you can Use a car for whatever you want to do With it yeah so this leans me to believe That Tesla is going to have a Significant advantage over everybody Because they have whatever number of Millions of cars on the road adding to It millions of cars a year but 10% of Those decide to put in the network which Seems like a pretty good number to start Yeah 10% of a couple million cars three Four 500,000 cars very significant put Them into the network they start doing You know five and we started our Conversation as the capabilities Increase where we go you know from the The fixed route to you know carpool to Carpool to you know you know full on Over the next couple years you can Decide how you want how you want it used Now talk about the other players weo has Decided they want to put their vehicles Into the Uber Network You' be able to Pick just like uber does Yellow Cabs the The Livery tab tabs and you in the UK Weo if they split the revenue from the Whos and they have the other one they

Just have the largest Network and the Shortest way weight times right so that That protects them in your mind as a Network business or do they need to own One of these companies or merge does Ford so we look at Uber as a company Right worth yeah well over 100 billion Do they need to merge with and they own 25% of Aurora or whatever do they need To bring that back into the company do They need to own cars in their Network Do they need to do a deal with weo maybe Weo merges into Uber becomes one thing What would You I think the automotive o oems are Out of the self-driving business you Think they're out of it yeah other than Tesla who do you think the top three Players will be if you were to we're Sitting here five 10 years from now Who's gonna be the top three four Players I would say it will be Tesla Weo and someone who has licensed Technology from either Tesla or weo There'll be three players did you see Did you see the Open Source One in China They're open sourcing it I think Bill Gley shared on our group chat yeah open Source one so we sit here talk about Open source yeah we don't St we won't Shut up about open source you think open Source wins the day here and and Everybody can use that software on on a

Range of cars I disagree with the open Source one because this thing requires Like continuous Improvement and Resources and this is like where open Source is just not enough right where Got it I think so it could be an open Source program where somebody makes the Commercial version at the To the like we talked About yeah but I think like Elon said This really well he's like if you're not Spending 10 billion a year on the Resources for AI the open source is just You know software at that point right so Yeah makes sense that's why my bet would Be Tesla and weo in it directly and then The third player will be someone who Licenses their technology and where do You think that leaves the Ubers and Lifts of the world over the next 5 10 Years I think cars end up in their Network yeah yeah that's what I think You see people have looked at this as Like Tesla wh Mo versus Uber and Lyft And the way I look at it is that group Of people versus owning a car or taking Your own car and and there's so the the Overwhelming majority of rides 99% of The rides in the world are done by the Owner of the car driving themselves and Then there's a whole buch of other rides I'm not counting that are people taking Public transit right Yep those two pools are so giant that

They're just going to every year 1% of Those rides 10 billion rides will just Flow into these other options so those Will keep growing so people are looking At it like I think people have the wrong Um they're setting up the wrong Rivals It's not Uber lift wh Mo Tesla versus Each other and they're all fighting it Out it's that group every year taking 10 Billion r From people driving themselves and then What percentage of those rides they get That is material so it's kind of like What people discount there's also more And more people on the planet every year Slash there is you Know eom more rights to be done right so It's just like it's like a it's like a Growing Market anyways and so it's also Going to induce more so you know if you Yeah you know there are people who don't Own cars they take public transit they Make decisions on where to go to eat or Movies or whatever and I'm talking on a Global basis here so I'm you know I'm Not being classes here I'm just talking About just objective reality so you know You you go to another country there Might be a group of people who only eat In their local Village or city or town They don't have the option to go to the Town Two Towns over and have somebody Drive them there for 20 minutes and and Eat the restaurant over there or go to

Shopping over there now if they can take You know a uh Robo taxi for a small Amount of money they say oh you know What I want to try some restaurants over There I I want to spend the day there I Want to do a day trip you know there or I want to not even a non a North American like you know we would meet all These people that were taking lifts to Work every day right because you know They had a job across town right and it You know saved them time and point to Point was quicker than public transit Yeah exactly all right wow that's a Great discussion okay let's do a a demo Or two here we're at 40 minutes just on News and I think that we know that we Had to do it though and so I hope this Is a great Opera you know for everybody All right I'm gonna I'm gonna do two or Three demos really quick I think Court Had a product he wanted to show too oh He did okay yeah I was talking to court About something I saw Court you want to Jump in here hey guys how you doing hey Everybody see producer Court he's in his Uh he's in his bunker wow are you a Preper court nobody's ever seen producer Court here everybody knew producer Nick But here's producer Court say hi Producer cour hey how's it going Everybody you in a bunker you're in your Bunker I'm in a basement are you a Prepper what's a prepper like you have

Like 100 days of food and you're waiting For like the the end of the world like Fallout or something I don't even have One day of food okay great perfect You're not opposite end of the spectrum As a preer okay good okay you're a Risker so what was this thing we were Talking about we had talk about the life To back uh AI death calculator that's Been getting some buzz you he about this You heard about this break it no no here We go look at this producer Court Showing up with a demo so is the which I saw some news articles Saying be careful using this hey they Were saying it's strangely accurate and They even say something ridiculous like 78% accurate but I don't know how you Would come up with that statistic Without a lot of years of testing and This is what they do they ask you to Fill out stuff like your age you're 47 Court I am 47 oh wow you got such a Young energy I had no idea you know You're not allowed to ask uh when you Hire people send de people their age so I don't know turns out 47 I didn't Realize that sck in maybe maybe if you Had known that I wouldn't have snuck in So no you know what I got to tell you I I I just judge people on um their Attitude and their aptitude and their Execution you know I don't really care About itch so 47 now you don't smoke you

Don't exercise regularly no major health Conditions uh so yeah any ma major Health concerns no uh diet I put Unhealthy because I I'm stressed and I Work too much uh alcohol consumption no I don't do that stress level high hours Of sleep six positive uh family history Positive Impact I put neutral access to Healthcare I'm here in Canada so it's Adequate socioeconomic status I stuck Middle so I mean there are a lot of Statistics that you could try different Things if you didn't know how to put Yourself in so where are we education Level fine occupational hazards okay Whatever and then recreational activity So let's press calculate I'm going to Live let's see 56.5 years what yeah all right so you Got you're saying you got nine years Left I think that has to do with your Occupational hazards I would say it's Zero oh yeah you're right environmental Factor impact would be I guess very Positive too I got two great kids shout Out to the casid uh let's calculate that And see if I live a little not not Really I don't know what's going on here What how so this thing has no Credibility or it's completely accurate And I got to start prioritizing some of My things for the next eight years yeah Maybe you got to get your Affairs in

Order uh and so this is using AI to do Your life expectancy it makes no sense It has no credibility okay death Calculator I give it an F and this thing Is stupid and it's A I'm gonna give it a ridiculous F yes You give it an F okay so there's your First court what do you give it Sundeep Anything I I don't even want to raise it It's too dark thanks produc right good Job producer Court I like the Contribution okay well done dismissed by The way I gave it to him I told him Check this thing out you'll find out if This legit okay okay I feel I thought I Thought he would I just want to give Some shine to producer Court who's doing An exceptional job since producer I'll Give him one of our demos though Jak Well I think it would be interesting if To be honest if it took your watch your Weight your how much screen time you're Doing all the factors and then also had You talk to it and you know answer Questions and then it might actually Just from a video of you be able to tell From your eyes your blood your body type And you put in your renovo AI is going To be able to tell you your life Expectancy oh yeah for sure very sure Because doctors do this or if you had Your oxygen you know and everything your Stress level was actually from your Heart rate and your sleep monitor was

From your sleep monitor so I do think The death calculator as dark as that is Is a really viable real product I wonder If there's a startup working on it I Think a startup that did livel longer. Wouldn't that be a killer startup to try To look at all your data and give you Suggestions in real time about how to Live longer I think we know the answer Jco eat better work out you know go see Your doctor yeah I mean but you Know I think I me the thing is I don't Think you need an AI to tell you how to Be healthier it would be I mean it might Find some edge cases like hey you know You're under too much stress you're not Sleeping and you're not drinking enough Water or your heart rate's a little Weird I don't know maybe I find some Cases I mean Apple watch does that stuff For sure I you know it's starting to Give you some alerts right like it tells People to have like you know your heart Rate if you're like doing like you know Some we're playing poker and I'm like oh Man like I could see it like shoot up For me and then you give me that shot I Know to go all in that's when I know You're Bling No No you you you always go Like oh Sunny go all in here like I you Know what that's usually my advice to Sunny I'm like just go in okay give me a Demo here come on press me okay let's We're gonna do we're gonna do a couple

There there's some awesome ones here Okay so this is by the founder of signal So it's funny so my feeling is and uh I Already did one before and we can do one Live so let me show you it's called Vib Check. market and what it does is you Know so this is just kind of building on You know last week we had the vertical Search engine you know we've been Working on this obviously you know Building on our Mahalo experiences Jal And so on this particular one and you Know I did like a special machine and so I'll do one live with you here it's been Overloaded so give me the best what what What do you want the best of jcal the Best Headphones headon okay yeah you know These are my focal Bathies um shout out to my friends at it's not a sponsorship They sent me a pair of these cuz the Founders are a big fan of mine and I had They heard me say like oh you know get a great domain name yeah you Know a decade ago they follow that Playbook of Etc and They got and um then they Had all this credibility and then people Started buying the headphones there and There's this company focal that makes These Bates uh b a t h Ys and these have Build into them um and the digital audio Conversion and they're 800 bucks so

They're not cheap and I've had all the Different versions so these are like a Step up they have a built-in deck a Digital audio converter and you plug it In through a USB and then I listen to Flak files now where this qbuzz which is A high res streaming service as opposed To Apple music this one has all fla and Um man and then the speakers are really High quality and they and they angle Towards your your eard drums and yeah q Cobz q u z is the is the app I'm using With the with the flax okay so anyway Servers are overloaded on this one I I'll try it in the background using all Of the it's using all the subreddits to Do this yes they have permission because Remember Steve H front of the Pod was Like you gotta have permission what's The what's the Vibes here are they they Have an API access well they have Something so look it's saying server Overloaded so we can't do your Headphones I'll try it one more time you Had one for the espresso machine it was Really good and and what's cool is it it Asks a few questions as well once it Analyzes like you know in this in the Headphones over the year and so it does It and basically it gets you a top pick Out of it you know your alternative and Your budget Pick real time wire cutter but it's like Love it you know AI wire cutter yeah and

So the question is should it be allowed To use wire cutter and this is the Perfect example not to constantly go Back to rights and clearing rights what This says to me is this demonstrates why What chat gp4 and open ey did and Stealing all that content from the New York times is so so unethical okay and Because you can see here we all want This product yes we want this product More than we want wire cutter wire Cutter has the opportunity to create the Derivative products from their IP yes This has proven my exact point and the New York Times is going to get I predict An injunction against chat gb4 your Point is that because people are not Licensing the data this is what's this Chaos is occurring that they have stolen The opportunity to create this product From their IP the way IP law works is But this is coming from Reddit right and Reddit it's their opportunity since That's their content it's their data They own the data now you might say oh The people who posted it on it no the People who posted gave a a license for All time to Reddit therefore Reddit and They did that in exchange for Reddit Being free and providing the community And all stuff so Reddit or Kora own the Rights to build these type of products The New York Times wire cutter under They have the rights to this opportunity

The uh pricing here what's your budget For to yeah 500 to I should go 2,000 Plus right that's fine okay you need Noise cancelling or no sure open back Close back no preference no preference And so hopefully this completes look at This and it's like highlighting all the Subreddits it's getting the answer from Yeah and okay so by the way Sony um I Have those those are fantastic they're Like 300 bucks so San heisers that's Another great brand yeah that's correct Those bar Dynamics are also incredible Um and people do love those so those are All fantastic and they're all dialed in Perfectly that was a perfect answer Based on my extreme knowledge of this Space 500 to a thousand do it again and Then pick over 2000 I just want to see If it picks the focals this is like Instant wire cutter I love it it's like You know don't have to and well and Here's the thing and this is where the Stealing and the IP gets even more Complicated we don't know maybe these Guys went and cut a deal with with no I'm not talking about that I'm saying on These subreddits because it's user Generated content you can be sure that People said wire cutter picked this as The budget pick wire cutter picked this As this and they cut and past and they Put all that data there I see I see and They put you know the New York Times

Says this oh and Consumer Report says This so you know where where does that Land if someone says that on Reddit Where do you put that now in terms of Content whose rights is that yeah so if I go to Reddit and I go oh I read on Wire cutter that the Sony whatever are The best so if the person is cutting and Pasting it then that person has Committed copyright Violation and um it's it belongs to the New York Times if that person wrote Their own thing and says I disagree with This as the budget pick but wire cut Have pick as the budget pick Consumer Reports pick this as their budget pick PC Magazine times Hardware picked this And Gadget picked this Vox picked that Verge picked this and they do their own Like little that's okay because they're Making a new product which is like They're going meta and comparing all These things to each other and now Somebody will say like oh well that's What the AI is doing but the AI is an Automated commercial thing Non-commercial an individual doing a Non-commercial message on a message Board is not uh interfering um with the Commerce and the revenue opportunity and They're not doing it at scale for every Single category this is doing every Single category so the scale of it also Is part of the difference here um I give

This an a perhaps I'm not going to give An A+ because I haven't used it enough But out of the gate it's an a because This from the one example you gave it Nailed it if we were to take that and Compare it to wire cutter Tom's Hardware PC mags Verge and Gadget the best one Whatever it would be probably very Accurate and I think that's what's Happening Here Also it could be indexing The links that are on the Reddit page so If I was building this I would say Hey You know if they link from you know Headphones SL headphones which I'm part Of that subreddit uh now if that linked Actually to I don't know the Engadget or The Tom's Hardware reviews I would then Go in justest that to make it work and Make a better product so they're Probably doing that as well um so anyway Excellent job it's a okay I do want to Know if they had the rights from Reddit To do this uh Steve huffin can answer That question because they have a Licensing business And this is what you should do get in Touch and you know what's the market cap Of Reddit right now I gota maybe have to Put a j trade in here because I think This will be built into Reddit soon and I think this could be like the beginning Of a great J trade the it should be Worth five times Revenue Reddit Market Cup right now 7.5 billion that's that's

A lot really yeah on 800 million in Revenue in 2023 I believe I don't know What they did in q1 or whatever but Let's say they did 250 in q1 and they're At a billion at s and a half times Revenue should really be four times Revenue so yeah that's a bit of a Challenge yeah it's overvalued right now It should be worth four billion five Billion but maybe people are making the J trade and their J based Upon the thesis I'm putting out here Which is if this is what you did on Reddit you asked it questions like this Reddit would become supremely valuable Like if I asked it what movie should I Watch tonight man that could be really Powerful so shout out to the Reddit Team All right what do you give it you got to Give it a letter grade I'm a I give this An a like a really really big fan of Wire cutter I I think I probably end up Using it like weekly if not more often And so having your own custom one was Really awesome and and like I like the Way they did it so you know it went and Looked at all those subreddits because Like that's usually this like crazy Algorithm you do when you're looking for The best thing and just saving all that Time uh let's do one more demo here so This one with it's awesome basically Give slide decks PDFs whatever I did This beforehand uh just for Speed here I

Shared this uh glossery of American Medical terms to it which you can see Here this like a you know several really Really long do document here I shared This and what it does is it takes that And basically turns it into flashcards For studying and so basically it creates This from that PDF which is right up Here what is the medical term for this I Mean I don't know what it is right so It's going to be like no that's wrong And it just basically goes through and You say next and basically you know so It takes any piece of content you give It and creates a kind of flash card Learning System from it for you yeah I Think we had a startup in our um Accelerator it's going to come to me in A second that does this okay they do a Really nice version of this and they are Making some decent money they've been Building in public and they make study Guides based on your notes from your Classes and information like this um Because there's like a whole long tale Of things you could do in education Around this concept like you could if You were the teacher you could make a Test That's Unique for each student if You're a student you could do the test And then whatever you didn't get right It could do adaptive learning and figure Out why you're not getting it right etc Etc etc and so yeah so this is the AI

Disruption of that yes and so this is ABS well no the one I we did is doing it In AI but they they do the long tale of All of the things and so this is Definitely a real space I think it's Fantastic I give this like a b because They're doing one thing but there are I Like how they do it across videos and Other things right which is I think Pretty cool as well um so I I I kind of Give it an a I thought it was like very Very flexible in its input which I Thought was super powerful and take data Make flash cards learn faster but run The flash cards with you in a in an Interface yeah so that's also showing it Right here like these were it right and So yeah fantastic you just kind of go Through it hey which does this I don't Know I'm just guessing these things Right and I mean I think that this is Fantastic and it's going to help people Learn faster and then just being able to Say to people teach me how to do teach Me to be better at my job teach me about Language teach me about the States you Know we used to have these kind of Things like if you wanted to learn all 50 states this is a great way to learn It right you there's always these people I remember I was super impressed by it Who could repeat all the states like um Sarah Silverman can alphabetically just Do every single um State boom super fast

Yeah awesome okay one last one J C I Want to give this both of them actually Are using Gro but these guys just Integrated Gro this is a tool that we Talked about before you know talk about Globe engineer and it's like hey I want To do a trip to New York and you can see It starting to build up right this is This um we saw this one last time I Think I gave it a b it's a really cool Exactly so what they've done you know You see it's doing its work but I want To show you here they've gone and Integrated this is GL engineer exactly So what I want to show you this one's Still running back here trying to build Out this itinerary for for for New York But in parallel I selected grock over Here and I say I want to go to London And what you're going to see is see how Fast it just basically goes and does the Same thing and so this is kind of just Building on like sort of what we've been Talking about is building really quick User experiences and having it come back Quickly makes it more iterative for you So I wanted to give these guys a shout Out because they integrated grock into It and I've been using it all the time This is actually a product I've been Using myself because it does that that Really wide search now what I'll say is Let's try your headphone thing in here So what was your you'd say uh you high

Fidelity headphones okay High Fidel the Headphones all right and which are for Short are Hi-Fi yeah but let's see what It does here over the ear okay yeah so This is just another way to get the same Data in a really great way and yeah it's It's it's getting some of the great Brands um but it didn't get the best Brand so that's interesting and what was The best brand it's this focal so just Say um most expensive next or most Expensive High I Sor I should have I Should have done H fideli let me do this Again because you can refine it hi That's that's what I just did because I'm doing you know taking kids to Japan In the summer yeah and really is like Did most expensive so here we go okay Boom so saniser bar dnamic snowball I Mean it's it's getting a lot of them so It just didn't get the ones that I think Are the best but you know it's using the Open web to do this type in focal next See if it finds focal yeah I found them Here yeah yeah yeah okay great amazing Yeah and then say sort by Price yeah Under 500 between a th000 and 2,000 over 5,000 wow yeah look at that so look at That the over 5,000 I have the bathies Which are the 800 that do Bluetooth and Let you plug them into your USBC and get You um this um you know digital audio Conversion built into the headset but Then these other ones have these thick

Cables that plug into a Dack like the Really like each ear plugs into the Dack And has this like super high fidelity Experience and those cost 5,000 and They're just Extraordinary the top-of the line focals Yeah they're pretty amazing yeah yeah All right this is great see how this Like changes the research experience It's really really awesome I really Think it's I think it's just great like Brainstorming this was called Mind Mapping back in the day you would do it Manually there was a company called the there was a guy Jerry Colona So if you type in Jerry's brain yeah He's a was a very famous analyst and um He worked for Esther Dyson Jerry Macowski And um fabulous editor of Technology you Know might not know him in this Generation but over time he kept um so Like launched the brain here so he's Been keeping notes on technology for Over 20 years and so this is like a Living representation of all of his Notes and like you can see you just Click on stuff of uh you know any topic And uh good starting points might be a Good place to start so click on good Starting points and what you see is this Software you hit good starting points And um laws this that questions I love The idea of big questions so you hit big

Questions U boom and now here's all the Big questions uh click on do beavers Know how to build dams yeah how do Beavers know to build dams what does the Store this knowledge like really Interesting like that he did this but What this is doing is AI is doing it Automatically this isn't following one Human excuse my voice everybody I was at The Nicks Philadelphia 76ers game in Philly yesterday Yeah let's try this go here And service we invested in monic AI m o N C.I n i okay is the one we we did oh Here we go yeah steud guy that looks Awesome yeah and there's 100,000 Students using it right now so they're Just it's a lot more sophisticated than One we showed today but the one we Showed today is right so I don't know I Give Globe engineer still like a B+ I Think the interface is a good start the Data looks relatively good I think it's Still pretty raw so I'm gonna just give It a solid B action I'm gonna give it a B+ here I'm gonna give them a little bit Of a bonus points for integrating Gro so They're gonna they're gonna get a They're gonna get a minus oh okay great I love it fantastic yeah sounds good all Right everybody thanks for tuning in you Can follow send deep sandep I'm Jason go ahead and at mention us

Syep will be speaking at the liquidity Summit that's the summit I do every year This is the sixth year we used to call It Angel Summit now we have a lot of LPS From giant institutions and uh s Deep's Going to be speaking liquidity Summit is June 2nd to 5th go to liquidity Summit tickets are about to sell out you Can apply uh 125 LPS GPS the world's Greatest speed speakers of course um It's just nuts who's going to be Speaking this year David freeberg and Chamath and sueper here Ibrahim from Mubadala Gavin Baker from at trees Phil Deuts AR besti Monique Woodard uh Michael Jones from science um they did Dollar Shave Club they did liquid death Uh Sky Dayton another bestie it's going To be talking about Airline safety pH de On energy s deep on AI heson on startups Just all kinds of great people and we'll Look forward to seeing you at liquidity Summit it's not for Founders I know a Lot of Founders want to come and try to Raise money which is a great idea but This is just for the LPS and the GPS and The capital allocators to get together And break bread I'm sorry but I really Think it's great you're doing this I Think it's like a it's a very really Good environment and then you know out Of it will come opportunities for all The yes startups and entrepreneurs and You've been at it before you've come a

Couple times we have poker at night on The second third and fourth so Sunday Night Monday night Tuesday night we have Poker everybody hangs out late it's Really about bonding and on Tuesday Afternoon people go do an event they can Go wine tasting clay pigeon shooting all Kinds of great stuff oh I idea for you IDE for you absolutely maybe this is Like a little bit of a balance maybe you Guys can put together like a little Binder of interesting startups that Obviously includes stuff there but other Well that's a great idea yeah we're what We're doing is we're giving everybody a Profile page so each LP and GP com and Gets a profile page did they ask you About your profile page yet to fill it Out they did yeah yeah okay great and We're giving everybody a giant PDF with Everybody attending ahead of time and Then you know not this one but the next One we'll probably have a way we might Do like a speed dating or we might give The Venture firms like a little Networking area where they have a table And then let the LPS book meetings with Them for 20 minutes and then 10 minutes To move from table to table and we just Do a little speed dating everybody gets To meet each other in 15 minutes say What they're working on change exchange Notes and I think this would be a lot of Fun to do like a speed dating thing I

Mean to speed dating concept right now Because I want to meet more interesting People but I don't want to do one hour Meeting so I'm trying to figure out how To do like a lightning round speed Dating hey here's what we do share some Materials it's all these demos these got You into these like each demo is like 10 Minutes long you got you got me addicted Well you know it's the tldr I'm giving a New framework to my team I call it WTF WTF is it okay WTF why should I care WTF what now so you show me grock Console right okay what is it okay Brock Does inference at a fraction of the cost And at a massive speed difference okay Why should I care oh well you're doing a Startup called inside and you're trying To do this inference really fast and Give people fast data this is why you Should care okay what's next oh you Should get one of your developers to go To console. grocki a q giving The final plug go to grock do console Console. yes Next time any other plugs sunep got no That's it we're we're good that's it for The plugs we'll see you next time Byebye okay everybody I want to tell you About founder Fridays what are founder Fridays this is an opportunity for you If you're a Founder to get together with A half dozen a dozen other Founders on a Friday the first Friday of every month

Why is this important well if you meet With other Founders you can talk about The things that are working at your Startup and the things you're struggling With every everything else in between And then you can trade notes and you can Make friends it's really hard to be a Founder isn't it you're alone all the Time you've got to solve all these Problems and other Founders are having The same experience you're having it's Isolating it can be scary it can be Thrilling and people don't understand What you're going through if you go to a Dinner party and there's one founder and Seven other people you feel like a Mutant you feel like somebody who Doesn't belong there nobody understands Why you're doing your startup why you're Taking this risk the problems you're Facing right they're NPCs this is a Non-npc event every first Friday of the Month we do founder Fridays we're doing Them now in 71 different cities and if This sounds appealing to you well you're A founder and you want to hang out with Maybe seven other Founders around a Round table you can have breakfast you Can have lunch you can have dinner you Can have coffee you can co-work dinner However you want to do it and it's free We've been doing this for a couple of Months now we've had 71 meetups around The world and 929 Founders have joined

I want you to join and I want you to Come to the next one it's Friday May 3rd Now if your City's not on the list what Are you going to do you're going to Apply to run your city with two or three Other Founders again for Founders by Founders from the number one podcast for Founders this week in startups comes Founder fridays. te go to founder Fridays. Tech to sign up and you're Going to meet all these great Founders And we give like a little uh prompt and This founder Friday taking place on May 3rd we want you to bring two things with You your most significant Challenge and One thing you wish you'd learned earlier We're going to go around the table and Each person is going to do that and then You'll get feedback from your peers it's Incredible it's magical and we don't Want this to get big we want to keep it Small so if you plan on going and you're Interested and it sounds appealing to You just go to founder fridays. te te Right great domain name founder fridays. Tech and please take pictures and and Then share those pictures on Twitter @ Mention us Twi startups Jason and it Doesn't matter you could be in San Francisco New York Chicago La Paris Tokyo Dubai these things are happening All over the world again 71 cities let's Get it to 100 cities we've got over 900 Members let's get it past a th000 go

Ahead and sign up and you'll be in touch With my team and we'll see you there Once again founder fridays. te