3 Altcoins To PUMP Off This Blackrock Move ($Buidl Token)

3 Altcoins To PUMP Off This Blackrock Move ($Buidl Token)

Black rock is going all in on blockchain Launching bidd its first tokenized fund Which will be of course r on top of Ethereum this move could send both Ethereum and a new emerging sector known As rwas to the moon so the only question Is do you have enough of these cryptos Well it's time to discover Crypto what's up everybody my name is Joshua Jake and today I'm going to be Going to give you some news that the Crypto industry has been unpacking over The last week and that news is all Around Black Rock now in case you're new Here let's go over what rwas are rwa Stands for real world assets on the Blockchain this means anything from art To real estate to gold and even Securities the sky is the limit Developers tokenize these assets using Smart contracts imagine owning part of a House and being able to sell your share Instantly and safely on chain with no Need to go through a realator or lawyer Now there are quite a few reasons why I'm so bullish on rwas not not only are They providing greater Financial access For example people who could never Afford a Picasso can potentially invest Into just a piece of it now the Transactions are much faster than IRL And there are lower fees plus rwa Provide really great yield generating Opportunities I mean just imagine in a

World right now where we're currently Sitting at about a 16% rate of medium Inome households being able to even Afford a home I mean let me know in the Comments can you afford a home right now Because rwas could be the solution to to What is hurting most middle-income Families besides the fact that only 16% Of us could even afford a home this Could allow people to not only Fractionalize their houses meaning you Could split it between multiple people Without a realtor or a lawyer and all Those extra costs but it could be a way For the 99% of people that are just Living on medium incomes be able to Finally participate in the real estate Sector because as it stands all these Institutions have been capitalizing off Of us you think they care that you can't Afford a home no they'll just rent it to You however on the flip side regulation Hasn't kept up with technology there may Be regulatory hurdles for this sector in The future but as of right now it hasn't Been tainted by lobbyists and there also Isn't a consistent regulation around the Country or state lines at the moment so While the rwa sector is still very Immature the upside to these Marketplaces and the amount of liquidity That could pour into this industry isn't In the billions it's in the trillions Enter the world's largest asset manager

Black Rock who recently notified Regulators it's launching a tokenized Pooled investment fund called The Black Rock USD institutional digital liquidity Fund very important that we call it Institutional because this is get this Only for people that have $5 million or More now with this black rock has Partnered with securitize the fund holds Us treasury bills and repo agreements And bidd which is the stable coin Peg to $1 all of those holders will receive Yield from the underlying assets again This isn't available to retail unless You have the $5 million to meet their Minimum threshold now despite that black Rock raked in $245 million in just its first week Ando Finance moved 95 million into the fund Last Wednesday so if you want to trade This news here's what I'm planning on Doing because there are three altcoins That I believe could benefit from this Black rock move the first is the most Conservative option ethereum there's Been a bunch of eth fud recently but Between Black Rock launching Biddle on The ethereum blockchain and the Potential of ethereum ETFs I think Ethereum's price of around $3,600 is Honestly a steal you can also pick up Eth up relatively easily anywhere you Want to trade buy or sell crypto the Next is Ando Finance which is almost at

A billion dollar market cap I consider This a medium-risk allcoin now I expect Ando's price to rise when black Rock's Fund gains regulatory approval and opens Up to retail investors now you can get Ando on things like pancake swap or the Dexes that are being attacked by the SEC Like uniswap but finally we have what is Probably the highest risk play which is Propy and definitely the lowest market Cap so make sure you do your own Research but propy is the real estate Rwa project behind the first nft home to Ever be sold in Florida also available Through dex's these are the projects That I really want to look into as we See the rwa narrative unfold we're at a Paradigm shift in our economy we're Moving away from the old Tech world to a New age artificial intelligence world That is included with blockchain and With that hundreds and hundreds of Thousands of opportunities are going to Emerge over the next decade and I truly Believe that is going to be real world Assets at least one of the many Narratives again imagine if you could Sell your car at the click of a button Your title everything would all be Transfered with the history of its Caraxes whatever you want to look at is All on chain and can be done Instantaneously within a second upon Some smart contract agreement rwa has

Made that possible for the first time Ever real estate maybe you can't afford A new home but maybe you and five of Your buddies just want to at least Compete with the real estate market and Now you can all jump into a real estate Or a home all on the blockchain skipping All the lawyers all the Realtors all of The BS taxes and everything that is Revolving around that industry you'll be Able to access for the first time and Don't even get me started on gold I mean Seriously does Fort KNX actually have That gold how much government trust is There even left in our economy cool the Pentagon failed their audit for the Sixth time in a row great the Federal Reserve is wrong about inflation again Awesome our treasury secretary can't Even budget RW fixed almost all of these Issues now I'd love to hear your Thoughts on real world assets below Which projects or altcoins are you Buying because as it stands right now if You go to rwa doxyz you can see the Tokenized treasuries part which will Show you the billion dollars that is Moved into these real world Assets Now I Have news for you guys a billion dollars Is just the beginning and I believe we Could see over a trillion doar in these Tokenized treasuries very very soon so The only question is are you going to be Early or are you going to be late almost

Like every other Trend I'll see you guys At the Top