⚠️WARNING⚠️ Uniswap Is Actually A CEX! (Here’s Why)

You know who cares about songs the New York Stock Exchange and their parent Company eyes And you and you to squat Great job oh that's right we're going We're going to unit swap [Music] [Music] All right [Music] Hey This is your modern day Chuck this man's Paying for a dominatrix I can guarantee It it could be the trifecta If he if he Give give him a couple more years him Gary and Brad Sherman are going to make Quite the trio Oh my God yeah it's the cul-de-sac three Three men Three men one haircut yeah just give him Give him the three years three years and He'll join three years oh my gosh and Look at this this is this is him around A woman this is the only time you'll Ever see this man around a woman in his Life and she's looking like what who is This Who is this woman do we know no no she Looks like somebody I recognize does she Look recognizable or is she just like Like every other pretty I mean aren't There so many females that look like That A standard white girl wow look you won't

See me you had all these people that Were uh they all mimicked they were Crapping on Margo Robbie Robbie is a Robbie Roby Robbie Robbie Margot Robbie Saying she's mid that's right that's False she's not mid let's be for real Guys I'm just trying to be honest with Y'all Wow this is not No those fit together quite well okay Thank you thank you thank you thank you Thank you guys all right guys Back to Richard Hart Very classy look what is this show what Does this show become with this show do You know when this show went off the Rails When TJ left I I was uh yeah DJ would be In the background you wouldn't he would Be going He would literally type on the screen on The notepad move on my goodness Hey guys Tim and Nick ain't taking over The show I've taken over my own show now that's Why it's gotten so dang good the Babysitter's gone the babysitter's gone Yeah okay so here we go Nick demand he said move on please shut Up Not gonna yell at you like I did that One time but shut up Hex the list every minute swap after SEC Sued okay now give me this in mind

Coinbase fights to put xrp back on Now we've got uniswap you guys Understand Uniswap is more centralized than Coinbase I'll say it again Uniswap is more centralized than Coinbase do you think about that I want You to process that that's why we're Doing a big uniswap alternative video Because on Twitter Which are our Twitter segment every day Is brought to you of course by stake Where I assure the mid-roll for you guys We love steak absolutely we're trying to Work where I can play some steak on the 8 30 show maybe once a week or something Yeah so there we go maybe on Fridays Um but here we go here's the Tweet Where's the Tweet where's the Tweet can I retweet so much stuff Let's see here what is this is this Oh that's likes let's go to tweets Here's a tweet guys it's it's simple It's very simple Cancel uniswap Cancel unit swap I gave them warning After warning after warning but here's The thing When you give a bad actor a warning they Can only do so much because they are no Longer in control of their own sight the Money driving unit swap is now Controlling everything because guess

What happens Gary ginsler in bed with Elizabeth Warren obviously is we know Very well proven that maybe that's why Uh whichever one of their daughters was Working for the other one because who Knows maybe it is the other one maybe It's their their daughter actually The fact is is that Uniswap Or excuse me hex gets an SEC lawsuit This week now I tell you what our Decision yesterday to sell hex Temporarily is probably going to be Backed up I'll look at the chart in just A second but the fact is is that Guys This is all about Gary Gins are getting Wins This was removed we already showed you The connections where I showed you how They're all in bed together unit swap Removes hex To batten down the hatches and say good Job SEC are they doing this because of Leverage against uniswap from the SEC Very very very likely that's what I will Say so here we go into the story Richard hard text token is now delisted On leading decent drives exchange hacks Uh this is not a leading decentralized Exchange this is a leading foe Decentralized exchange we call it a Photify Uh hex after us SEC alleged tokens and

Unregistered security What how in the world are you going to Say this is an investment contract not I Mean by the work but fit the Halloween Test blah blah you just lost against Ripple you Dumas You just want added hex to its list of Unsupported tokens found here cryptos in This list include coins the listed based On legal consideration and tokens that Have proven to be scams or violate Trademarks how about that Buy the numbers now that was my Richard Hart segment brought to you by top hats Foreign By the Numbers what percentage of Uniswap Traders are Bots Hmm let's see if you have a lot of bots Trading on uniswap what does that do You know that does we have a lot of bots Trading somewhere what what does that Pump up What would the Bots pump up yeah what do They pump up what what what numbers the Volume oh yeah pump up the jam Pump Up The Volume Who makes money on the volume pumping Liquidity pool providers yep who makes Money on that unit swap Start to figure it out don't you start To see all the connections The dominance of each trading type on The decks I I this is not a DEX we are Now calling uniswap a sex unisaw

Opposite centralized exchange now Because does this does this sound like Decentralized they remove projects they Consider to be scams trademark Violations And just anything else that there may be Legal issues well guess what uniswap Guess what Gary Kinsler told coinbase every single Coin except for Bitcoin is a security so you know what That means you just swap remove your own Mother loving coin from the site You you wanna you wanna act like you are Not about crypto unit swap You're about yourselves and your beta Boy cut Master Hayden Adams And I would say he could suck it but by The looks of him he might be willing to Do that And I don't want that No I don't want that you know what I Want I want a truly decentralized Exchange I Want to decentralized exchange That does what crypto and blockchain are Meant to do and yes that includes Keeping scams listed it's called self Sovereignty and responsibility and doing Your own research if people go onto These sites and they buy these scams Either number one they're not doing any Research number two they're absolute Degenerates and number three they're

Probably new to crypto they need to go Through losing some money in order to Get hardening counts for the reality of The fact that it is very difficult To keep your security high in crypto but When you learn it when you lose two Three four five figures keeps you from Losing it when you have six seven eight Nine ten Figures it's part of the lesson Guys You ever lost money in crypto trade no It was camera hack no no how about you Nick [Music] [Music] Or fishing or anything He I got the wrong contract address One Time Boom there you go there's one time That that counts I did that as well okay I got fish one time a long time ago guys Tim is the best crypto Trader in history Man ever Tim's never made a mistake Is he trying to pump himself up to take My channel but the fact is is that Almost everyone that has been around This space They've lost money in something you Gotta learn the lesson it keeps you from Losing more running more money down the Road this is absolutely That's the weirdest question I ever saw Somebody ask in the chat I don't know if Y'all saw that

I can't repeat that my mother's here Unit swap is not a decent drives Exchange Uniswap is centralized they listen to The central authorities they are a bank Uniswap is the new Celsius Uniswap is the new Celsius Celsius said Unbank yourself They became a bank Uniswap said here we offer decentralized Trading And now you have become worse than Coinbase it's absolutely disgusting Comment on which decks you're going to Use instead of unit swap love to see it What's going to be interesting Ben proof That will prove the pudding how long Until they delist Bitcoin just because Of what you're saying right now Probably go ahead do it do it can you Imagine the outcry yeah can you imagine The outcry that will come they already Did it once yeah what's going to stop Them from doing it twice You're disgusting and the fact that People have to think about the words That they say about you and how that Might affect them You are the SEC of crypto You are the government of crypto you are The centralized figure in Authority in Crypto and I have absolutely no respect For Hayden Adams which have you seen him Who would respect that guy

I have absolutely zero respect for unit Swap laps which by the way and I tell You what you know they got a letter from The SEC do you remember that no you just Won't got a letter from the SEC last Year sometime That is the Turning Point how about just Stop cowering to the people that were Trying to fight it defeats the purpose Makes me say let me tell you who you'll Never see cower to these sobs Big Boy crypto I won't ever cower to These people I'm I'm built differently And this might shock people I'm billed differently than Hayden Adams I have a muscle somewhere Okay That's you also uh don't you didn't you Say you have two hair follicles coming Out of every single children Why did you say think of the children Nick I don't know I was trying to get Your attention All right moving on bitcoin rejected From 30k as markets digest Microstrategies Q2 bet Um we saw it rejected pretty hard Yesterday Um you jump two percent man if I could Have got that profit at 30 000 that Would have been great that went above That point in control Frankie talked About and then crushed down yeah Um let's see we got Michael Saylor

Putting more uh Bitcoin in Um uh microstrategies uh stock win is 200 rise nearly 478 dollars who cares About stunks you know who cares about Stunks the New York Stock Exchange in Their parent company eyes mm-hmm Great job oh that's right we're going We're going to unit swap yeah we're Gonna go to unit swap I forgot about That we're gonna do that next week I got To get my guy to go with me I I need Somebody to come film by the way I need somebody to come film with me Next week will that guy be ready you Think Nick uh no okay well somebody needs to Go to New York with me next week okay I'll uh I'll look into it yeah I just Need one person uh just really to go Knock on the door at uniswap that's what We want to do maybe we can send them a Uh they got an SEC letter maybe we can Send them a bit boy crypto letter Get that guy out of here that's stupid It's the same people coming in here Every single day uh bring crypto keeper I'm bringing somebody bigger than crypto Keepers what I'll tell you okay all Right which I love crypto keeper Uh the down Right there up that Okay get that guy out of here idiot I got it downgrade U.S credit Rating Bitcoin Peaks to 30k in Stable

Market if you listen to this entire rant And that's what you got out of it You're we don't want you hearing crypto Period I don't even want you on this Channel you need to just see yourself Out it might be Gary against himself oh Gary guns are in the chat says rip Whoever you are We have a downgrade of the credit rating From a triple A to a double A Plus Didn't we have this recently happen Did this happen before We had our credit downgraded it's Happened but so we're grounded Downgraded 2011. so it says yeah okay That was I hadn't heard of it anytime Recently but yeah it triggered Market Turbulence causing treasury yields to Crash Um so there we go so we had our credit Rating was downgraded big shocker I Don't know if we will get back so you're Saying bionomics isn't working By Dynamics is not only not working But uh I mean I I don't even know what To say like what's what's the worst Possible thing you can say about let me Say it like this by Dynamics is the Hayden Adams of Economics now there you Go that's harsh hold on okay okay hear Me out here though hear me out though Here I want you guys to really think About this Hayden Adams versus Joe Biden

In a cage match who wins Biden because He's probably heavier he'll fall on Hayden and then you know it'll be a Whole Beast whale situation on top of Him he can't move well I don't know Biden might back up because he may have To wonder like more often this guy is Kind of young is this one of my Grandkids I don't know about but the Other thing more often not Joe Biden Falls forward he falls on his face more Often than not so again uh he's got all Kinds of grandkids he doesn't know about And doesn't acknowledge until his Ratings go down and he says oh I put up a stocking for my dog but my Granddaughter I didn't do it but my Ratings are bad so we love her What about one of the worst people in The history of the United States Definitely the worst president but just A bad person well I tell you what Ethereum ETF race games Team Six asset Managers filed with the SEC who are These six bit wise Round Hill Do you have another kind of Hill Rather than a round hill pointy Hill That's a pointy it was a mountain yeah There we go Vanek pro shares of Grayscale submitted their ethereum Futures filings Oh they're ethereum Futures finds I Missed this is ethereum ETFs Hmm

Very interesting I mean it's now imagine This though they're not spotted all Their Futures right right but imagine Bitcoin gets ETF approved in the next Three or four months as we head into the Halving Bitcoin price starts going way Up and then the thicker the Bull Run we Get all some of these ethereum even Though they're Futures ethereum ETFs Approved because remember the all-time High in November came after what the Bitcoin Futures ETFs were approved Um something to think about that's Interesting Um bag house cages what's a bag house Cage Looks like a fancy joint I don't know What that is I can't make heads or today What is that That's called Johnny not turning on the Ad blocker He's too busy flexing [Music] All right [Applause] [Applause] [Music]